
Help Me Pick A Pet!! :)?

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I want to get a new pet! I dont want a dog or cat. Just something small and cudly. I want to keep it in my room but i dont want it to smell bad!! :) please help me!! :p




  1. I would say a guine pig. They are more friendly then hamsters and gerbals.

    Or a bird, like a cocatuee (sp)

  2. A dog or cat probably cannot be kept in your room and also require a lot of work.  Maybe you should get a hamster.  they make really good pets.  Or if you want something bigger a bunny or guinea pig. but they require a little more work.

  3. get a ginua pig they're small cuddly and the dont stink!=)i kno i lov my ginua pig

  4. Get a bunny. I have two and they are cuddly and smart! Their cage doesn't smell as long as you clean it once a week. They are the greatest pets ever!

  5. Guinea Pig!!!

  6. Hamsters and small animals are good pets and dont smell bad. But you have to keep the cage clean.

  7. rabbits.

    as long as you take care of them, they won't smell. some great suggestions for odor-control:

    feline pine- very absorbent, and it keeps all the odor out.

    -rabbits are small (depending on what kind) and cuddly (very lovable) if you pay attention to it it will really like living with you!

  8. A gerbil they're alot friendlier than hamsters them lil buggers bite hard

  9. Guinea pigs, chinchillas, or hedgehogs are are small, cute, and cuddly. But you will have to clean up after them to keep them from getting stinky. You can give guinea pigs a bath.

  10. well it all depends.

    cause some cats can be really mean and hate you, and then there is cats when all they wanna do is cuddel.

    i would rather have a dog, my dog is cuddly and i wouldnt say mean, well he is nice and cuddly.

    it all just depends on what kind of dog you get, same with a cat

  11. In my opinion, I think you should get a Holland Lop. That is is a type of rabbit. They only get up to four pounds, so their cage won't take up much room. Before you get a rabbit, read up on it. The only downside of getting a rabbit is that they p**p a lot. But rabbit p**p is odorless. You can littler train them. So when the litter box is full put it in a compost pile or something like that. Make sure the litter is bio-degradeable. Also, most Holland Lops like to be held often. E-mail and tell me what kind of pet you are going to get at

    P.S. Rabbits live from 8-12 years, so getting a rabbit would be a long term comitment.

  12. de- scentd ferrets are really good pets. they are just like a dog, except cheaper.they can be leash trained, litter trained, and traing to stay in your hoodie or on ur shoulder! they are great pets 4 6+ to take care of! plus, they are niether nocturnal, or awake all day, they adjust thier habbits to fit ur life syle

  13. Get a hampster or a gerbil really cute and easy to maintain. They don't smell naturally, only if you don't keep the cage cleaned.

  14. I personally love guinea pigs. They are soft and cuddly and sit on your lap. They also are full of energy when they want to be. The only smell that is associated with them is the smell of shavings in their cage. =)

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