
Help Me!!!! Problems?

by  |  earlier

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Let me spill out all my problems. I am in my school band, and we are traveling as we do every year. We need $4,000. Well, my parents don't have that kind of money. In fact they can pay a penny, for we are completely broke. My parents are struggling to pay the bills. I have tried all the fundraisers they held and held some of my own, but I only made $300. I applied for grants, and I haven't won one yet. I have had my teachers look at all of my papers, and I even went the extra mile to have college professors look at them. Then one fundraiser my school had, was giving an Ipod away if you sold 25 items out of a magazine. Well it seems that no one trusts the magazine anymore because I went around my nieghborhood, and they all said no. I went to my church, and I only sold one, then I went to school the teachers were just as broke as my parents. I called my aunts, uncles, cousins, and my grandma none of them wanted any candy. I have been wanting an Ipod for the longest, but once again I could do nothing for it. When I got a job, my parents were about to miss their rent, water, and electricity bill. they did't have enough. The place that I worked shut down, so no money for band or an Ipod. Please help me!!!!!




  1. yeah, you need a job.

  2. Well, what the h**l do you want us to do about it ?!?!

  3. Before I even begin to answer your question, I would like to wish you luck in whatever happens. It sounds like your situation is hard, and I hope what I say helps. You can obviously try the traditional fundraiser ideas such as: washing a car, garage sale, baby- sitting, etc. There are other fundraisers that aren't as common but still help to earn money. Here are a few examples: lemonade stand (I know it sounds wierd, but if you hold a lemonade stand a couple times a week you will get regulars that always come to your stand and they will tell friends), you can ask if any of your friends, people in your neighborhood, or other family members are willing to donate towards the cause (hey, 25 cents is better than nothing!), as bad as this may sound you might want to think of getting a temporary job. You also might want to visit this website: it has lots of good fundraising ideas! Good luck, to you, and your family! Hope this helped!

  4. Wrong catagory.

  5. 1. This is not the right category for this question.

    2. What is the problem? You just can't go. Accept it and move on. You can't have everything in life... thats just a fact.

  6. Get a job.
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