
Help Me With iChat pleaseeee!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a macbook and every time i add someone on AIM the name blinks for a few seccons and dissapears!!! ive tries tons of times

how do i get it to stay on my buddy list?




  1. From one Mac to another, hello. I'm not sure exactly but don't you have to use Gmail account? For me, when I set mine up, I didn't have any other option but Gmail. Not much help. Sorry.  

  2. Hi there.  I did a quick google search and it turned up some interesting results:

    As you can see, the original poster of the issue stated that he removed the plist from the Library folder and all was right with the world again.  I would personally suggest you follow the suggestions prior to this action as it may be something simpler than that.  In the future, please post what System Info tells you so that others know which version of software/OS you're running.

    Hope this helps,


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