
Help Me please My Eyes!!!?

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hi i went swimming and after that, my eyes were really itchy so i decided to go to Lucky's and buy Eye drops. I didnt no much about eye drops so i just picked a random one which was Baush And Lomb advance Eye Relief because it was redness and itchyness reliefer. I took 2 drops of that on each eye and right now my eyes are blurry and its been over 1 hour. Also when i go outside my eyes start to burn from the sun. I Check the eye drop info. in the back and it says Remove contacts before uses which i dont have any contacts.... What Do i Do now to remove the blurriness and how long will it last for? is this bad?




  1. It happened to my girlfrien several years ago. It's the Chlorine in the pool. It takes a day or two, max 3 days and will go away. Put visine and see if helps. If makes it worse, just rinse with water everyday. It will go away.

    The worst is the first 24 hours.

  2. You need to flush it really good with water & call an eye doctor!! I don't know how long it will last & yes it's bad!

  3. it's the chlorine, it happens if you hold your eyes open underwater for too long.

    best thing to do is rinse them out with saline solution... ask your your pharmacist, they'll know what to look for.

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