
Help Me??!!?

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Okay well last night i got drunk and now i just woke up an I got a hangover what should i tell my mom. plz dont say "Say you have a headache"




  1. take a shower and try to get rid of the smell.. dont tell your mom anything. pretend like nothing happened. as far as she knows you were just in bed unless she saw u

  2. Say in the house and sour food. Tell your mom you have food poisoning. Or another excuss.

    Answer mine plz.;...

  3. Hoping that u dont smell like alcohol, cause u might & may just not be able to smell it on urself, but u could tell her that u either have a migrane (which is an extremely bad headache.. that throws ur vision off.. hating the light.. vomiting.. & more)  or that u have gastro.. Nobody wants to b around gastro..

  4. First, drink lots and lots of water!  85% of a hangover is being dehydrated!  If she knows you stayed out or were up late, she probably has a pretty good idea what's going on anyway.  Sorry, moms are like that!  But just tell her you don't feel well.  You're not lying and you're not offering up anything that will get you in trouble!  You can try faking feeling great long enough to get out of the house and go to a friend's to sleep it off.  But no matter what, water, water, water!

  5. drink lots of water. And sleep. Next time, drink lots of water while you are drinking or before you go to sleep and I mean a lot. Saves me every time.

  6. Drink or eat some sour food like lemon ! (a bit)

    don't leave the house and then drink tea!

    if u can sleep for just half an hour !

    then u will be o.k.!

  7. Make sure you dont smell like alchohol, take some tylenol or asprin to get rid of some of the symptoms and drink a whole bunch of water... just tell her you dont feel well.  She cant accuse you of having a hangover, the symptoms are pretty much the same as the flu.  Feel better!

  8. Don't go outside cause it'll make it 100x worse
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