
Help! My fish are sick!

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I recently purchased 2 baby Oscars from Walmart.

Oscar is fine, the other doesn't seem to be as well. While his buddy likes to be hand fed, he doesn't even make an attempt to catch food coming his way. He just sits at the bottom of the tank, wedging himself between rocks.

I thought maybe it had something to do with Oscars' tendencies to 'play dead' or something similar. Maybe he's having a problem dealing with his new surrounding? 0_0

Any ideas/suggestions?




  1. look up online fish sick. ,ost likley the fish has ick thats the only SICKNESS A FISH CAN CATCH

  2. There could be a number of things wrong with you fish

    1. It could really be sick. Since you did get your fish from walmart it is probably not in the best shape. Don't be discouraged I do get all of my fish from walmart too but you do lose a few due to the bad conditions they were in before you got them. It could also be really sick like disease such as ich or fin rot. Look for white spots on the body or fins that are disappearing. Also, it could be velvet if you notice any of these signs it is likely your fish has a disease.

    2. You say recently and I don't know how long ago that was so if it was less than 48 hours ago...this tends to happen with any fish (particularly Walmart's) that when you first put them in a tank you shock them. It is also not uncommon for fish to not eat in the first 48 hours because they are still adjusting to their new surroundings and are stressed.

    3. It could be unhappy. I know you say that they are babies but Oscars need big tanks all the time. You should have at least a 55 gallon tank for these two fish even if they are babies. Also make sure your water parameters are right for an oscar fish. Although not the best sight I do find this site to be helpful it does sell fish but in the little box next to the side of each fish it gives you their basic info. Also make sure your Oscar fish are eating the correct diet, flakes are not enough for these fish.

    I hope your fish gets better and I hope this helped.

  3. To be honest, I would avoid purchasing fish from compaines whose main interest is not fish only. Fish stores tend to take better care of there livestock and are more aware if they have a problem. Try to stick with fish stores, if you can.

    How long ago you purchased them is an important question. If they are new additions to the tank the fish could just be stressed out. Although one fish eating and one not makes it more tricky, but like everything we all react differently. Look at the fish and see if he has any white spots or what look like tiny little strings hanging from his gills or around his head. It is a possibillity that he has ich parasites. Look at the coloration of the fish and check the fins for deterioration and that they appear to be in good condition. It is hard to say for sure without knowing water quality, and more information on the fish.

    People say, and I myself am guilty for not following these guidelines, check that fish are in good condition before you purchase them. Make sure they are eating and swimming properly, and that they are not housed with fish who are having these problems. I just purchased three damsels from a fish store that had parasites. I had to pull everything out to catch them and they died in short order after. If I had followed those guidlines, and knew what to look for, I would not have purchased them. We all make mistakes and everything is a learning experience though.

    I hope my response can help you in any way, and I wish you and your Oscars the best of luck.


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