
Help!!! My mums embarassing!?

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Ohk please need helppp!!

Tomorrow night i have to go to my school for this confirmation meeting and i have to bring my mum. and in our school we have like 3 year 7 classes. and everyone is going to be there boys and girls and all. but the thing is my mum is soooo EMBARASSING, shes got like multiple colured hair, a wart or mole thing on her face and shes a little fat.




  1. You show little respect for your mother. She is who she is. Get over it.

  2. Oh you shallow little ingrate.

  3. Oh my god.

    Get over it.

    Shes not even that bad looking.

    and she's your mom.

    Who cares what she looks like.

    Why do you want to earn the approval of judgemental people anyway.

  4. haha, aww, she looks sweet. dont worry, no one will judge u by your mum...if they do they are weird.

    i bet you lots of kids there will be embarrassed by their parents.

  5. get over it, it's what mom's are suppose to do. Just be glad she loves and cares for you

  6. Your mom looks like a fun person. Try to show her some love.  

  7. All mums are embarrassing . they do it on purpose . I overheard my mum discussing ways to embarrass me. total joke. Be proud of your mum. It helps . think of something nice shes done for you and think about that. If anyone disses my mum I have a go at them . They get well scared of

  8. Hi, your mum looks fabulous, and even if she didn't she would still be your mum, you know, the one who loves you. It sounds to me like you should be  a little more grateful for what you have, you lucky thing. Lets hope your mum isn't too ashamed to be seen with you eh?

  9. And asking this question and posting her picture on Y/A is not?

    You need to appreciate everyone in your family. Why don't you help her out instead? Take her to a hairdresser and offer to change her hair color. Tell her what she would really look good in. Mothers are supposed to be fat because all their lives, they had to finish up what you wouldn't.

  10. Who cares what people think...they are not the ones feeding you!!!

  11. Sorry for you. If you are a teen she will embarrass you! She look un-mom like.  

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