I really need help on this assignment, just enough to get started. And no, i am not asking for someone to do it for me! This is the assignment:
Write a lab protocol that includes and identifies the following criteria. You may list the steps in the procedure for your lab.
o Variable (dependent and independent)
o Replication
o Control
o Hypothesis (If/related to/then format you learned earlier)
o Data table
o Expected results and explanation for results
A few possible variables are listed below. In parentheses, a method of measuring for the variable is suggested.
o fructose (fructose testing tape)
o salt (hydrometer or specific gravity meter used to measure levels of salinity in salt water fish tanks)
o protein (use a protein measuring stick)
o concentration of starch (make different molarities of starch and measure their concentration with the number of iodine drops to require a certain blue color - this is highly qualitative, a more quantitative measurement may be suggested)
o others