
Help With Head Lice...?

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We just got back from the doctors and my 6 year old daughter has nits (lice eggs) we bought all the stuff today to put in her hair. My question is im going through and washing all of her bedding, sheets etc... but do i need to pull all of her close out of her dresser and closet and wash them!??? I read that the louse (head lice bugs) cannot jump or fly. Does this mean i am cleared from washing all of her clothes!?




  1. Her clothes are fine I wouldn't worry, they can't survive off the head any longer than 24 hr at the most. Lice need a constant supply of fresh blood and they can only get that if they are firmly attached to the hair shaft sucking it up through the scalp.

    My daughter has had these nasty little critters on and off for the past 6 yrs. Everytime I get rid of them her friends who don't get treated reinfect her, thus becoming a never ending cycle.

  2. I do not think it is necessary to wash clean clothes that she has not worn.  However, you will need to bag up anything that can't be wash such as stuffed animals and things.  Also, buy the spray and spray the furniture and have someone check you and check everyone else in the house.  You will have to wash her hair accordingly to the package and pick out every single egg.  Check her hair everyday for the next week for any eggs you might have missed.  One egg can cause a whole new problem.

  3. you have to wash everything unfortunately,  and i know they say they cant jump, but ive actually seen them do it, and itched for days just knowing it lol,  but i watched them jump from one girls head to the other on the bus...ugh....anyhow, they make a spray to use on furniture and other items to big to fit in the washer, make sure you  put all stuffed animals in the dryer on high heat for a bit. and after you get them gone, check again after 10 days to make sure theres no new ones.

    after everything is done and they are gone, get you  a bottle of tea tree  oil and put 20-30 drops per bottle in her shampoo/conditioner and have her use it  every time she washes her hair, its good for her hair and scalp, and lice wont get near her. i keep it  in my daughters and so far so good, even when it has been rampant at school, they hate oil, they cant hang on, so they get in clean hair more often them dirty,  but with the tea tree oil you cant tell your hair has anything in it, it doesnt make it greasy, you can smell it while your hair is wet but after it dries you can only smell your shampoo/conditioner.

  4. U have to wash everything thats around the house.....not just her stuff in the room. and dont send her to school until her head is cleared out!

  5. omg! wash EVERYTHING! if you don't the lice will just come back again and again and again and all of your money will be wasted buying lice shampoo every week. wash alll clothes and bedding in warm water 4-5 times. also make sure to spray all of the couches, chairs and carpets in your house with lice freeze away. put all of her dolls, stuffed animals, hair brushes, scrunchies and clips in garbge bags (tightly sealed) and put them in your garage for 2 weeks so all the lice suffocate and die.

  6. I have gone through this! i know that it isnt fun! i know how embarasing it is but you must notify school, daycare or friends (anywhere your child has been). she could have gave the lice to others and they wont know but your daughter will get it back and it will keep going around!! it is all a big vicious cycle!

  7. I would..and don't forget her stuffed animals

  8. I would wash everything...and notify the school if she goes.

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