
Help With Health???????

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Ok, So My Aunt Just Gave Birth To A Healthy Little Girl, But She Fainted In The Middle, And Lost A Lot Of Blood, And She's Only Woken Up For Like 8 Minutes Since, And She Keeps Becoming Bluer And Purpler Every Minute. So Like Is This Normal? She Lost Alot Of Blood Cuz She Had To Have The Doctors At Her House Becuz They Didn't Have Time To Transport Her, And So Like She Lost 3 Liters Of Blood, And She's Breathing Very Heavily. And Like She's Vomiting In Her Sleep...Is This OK For An 20 Y/O? Oh And No, She's Already Married So Its Not Like Some Wrong Thing She Did. No Rude Comments Plz. Oh And She Also Keeps Bleeding From Her Mouth, and Nose And Screams In Her Sleep...




  1. Is someone helping her right now?  Is the doctor still at your house? If not, call 911 and tell them what you just wrote here.  If this is for real, she needs immediate help.

    EDIT: Just read your update.  Try not to worry.  If she is with a doctor,  she is being taken care of.  Sometimes when women give birth, it might look worse than it is.  Is there someone else there that you can talk to?  Maybe they could tell you exactly what is going on.   If not, can you call someone to sit with you and help you stay calm?

  2. ummmmm NO takeher to the emergency room like NOW losing alot of blood isnt good either and bleeding from her mouth and nose is definetly not good take her to a DR or ER ASAP before she bleeds out and you end up with no aunt.  

  3. It will be okay as long as there is a doctor there, so take it easy. As for the bleeding it's normal for birth giving mother to bleed during and after the birth. However the bleeding from the nose and mouth are not okay, take her to the emergency room. As for the sleep screaming, give her nighttime pills and warm milk that should sooth her.  

  4. uh, does it sound OK to you?

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