
Help With My Bearded Dragon AsAP!!!?

by Guest34082  |  earlier

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My bearded dragon has been doing a hiccup/sneezing thing and she is lethargic. Whats wrong with her? She's 2 months old




  1. sometimes reptiles can get RI, that is Respiratory Infection. and they make this clicking sound with their mouth trying to get oxygen. this happens when the temp in their cage is too low or their cage isn't in proper conditions. the only way to help him is to bring him to the vet to get medicine. the longer to wait to bring him to the vet the more his life is at risk. yes they can die from the lack of oxygen and they suffocate.

    good luck and i hope your baby beardie is ok

  2. Baby dragons need UVA/UVB lighting.  UVA stimulates appetite and normal daytime activitie and breeding (at two months old, though irrelevant).  UVB is crucial for calcium absorption.  Make absolutely certain that you are providing both UVA and UVB.  The basking temp must be in the 95F - 110F range with a cool end temp of 70F - 85F.  Make sure your baby is warm enough and getting enough UVA/UVB!!

    Also, babies need protein moreso than adults.  You should be feeding 6-12 1/4" crickets daily.

    Regarding your UVA/UVB/Heat lamp:  I strongly recommend the Mega Ray UVA/B/Heat flood or Zoo Meds Powersun flood lamps.  

    Babies should be very active.  If it were my dragon I'd take her to a herp vet.

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