
Help.. Worried about parakeet?

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Ok my parakeet started sleeping a lot for the past few days (head tucked in the back) then today I found him sitting on the ground. when I nudged him gently with my finger to see how he was doing, he shook a little and fluffed his feathers up, but moved very weakly. Hhe won't eat at all and i cannot afford to get him to a vet. my parents won't allow me to bring him to the vet because it's too expensive and think it's not worth it but I cannot sit by and watch my beloved pet die. Is there any medicine I can buy at a pet store to help him? please and going to the vet is NOT an option i wish I could but I can't and my parents would kill me. I also don't have money of my own i'm only 13 and I'm not allowed to have a job PLEASE HELP!




  1. he is probally eating to much food or hes ill its bad to have a bird sitting on the bottom of the cage get a vet immedietly pleaseif you dont he could die.also onley give him water for the next 3 days

  2. Sorry to say, but your bird will almost certainly die if it's that sick. When birds get sick they don't stay sick for long; that is they get better or die after a few days. Your bird has it's head tucked back and it's feathers fluffed up to help maintain body temperature not to hide the fact that it is sick. In the early stages they appear to be eating there seed but generally are not. If you cant get your bird to a vet then in desperation you may be able to try an antibiotic from a chemist (drug store in the U.S). You should also try and keep it warm say around 30 degrees Celsius. GOOD LUCK you will need it.

  3. the same thing happened to my parakeet, and it died, sorry =(

    its ill, and i guess the best advice is to make sure its cage is as good as can be ( clean water, fresh food, away from vents, etc). Asides from that, burning metal on some pots, and perfumes can also make your bird sick. If theres other birds in the cage, that might be a reason why your bird is on the ground. I've had 4 birds in a large cage, and they all picked on that one bird until he stayed at the bottom & died. When the bird fluffs up with barely any movement, its trying to hide it is sick, so keep an eye on it.Well good luck with your bird, hopefully it gets better =)

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