
Help Writing a Complaint On Neighbors?

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Hello, I need your help writing a help on these neighbors. I live in Illinois, suburbs, and across our house are these d**n Philippines that have a playground in their yard, and a big one!!! Anyway one day my little brother was really bored and wanted to play with them really bad, but they didn't let him. He was sobbing and staring at them having fun while they were having fun. I want to write a complaint so they remove that d**n playground, or put a fence around it or something. Answers are very appriciated.




  1. I do agree with the first answer, but I wouldn't lie about it.

    I would mention that it would be nice if they put up a fence or if they let other neighbor hood kids play along, but don't be too surprised if they don't do anything immediately, they will look at it and think "Well, it's their property" So don't give up and keep trying.

    Hope this helps!

  2. no no no.... all you have to do is write an anonymous tip off to the city welfare office.  Say the children are not being supervised while playing..... the parents are gone for hours or something.

  3. HAHAHA....write a complaint?! Dude you could tie a rope to the playground, which is tied to the tow hitch of your buddy's truck. Then drag that thing down the street!

    Tip1) Do it at 2A.M.

    Tip2) Make sure your buddy lives quite a bit out of town

    Tip3) Dont record it and put it on youtube

    If you dont have the cajones to do this, you can always just run over there with an axe one night wearing a paul bunyon costume! Have someone be the blue ox as well.

    HAHAHA....or dress up like godzilla, build a flamethrower that shoots flames from your costumes mouth, and burn that thing down right before the kids go to bed!

  4. I'm sorry, but what does them being Philipino have to do with you not liking the playground and them hurting your child's feelings?

    Why don't you go get the nerve to address them yourself.

    Not only is it the respectable thing to do, but you could get a much more positive result.

    Reporting them without actually attempting to resolve this yourself is pretty weak, and well...PETTY.

    Why should someone else have to deal with your problem if you haven't even tried helping yourself and your kids?

  5. I think you should do both the neighborly thing and the mature thing to do and offer to watch the kids all play together.  I can understand why your neighbors, having a playground on their property, might not want to assume responsibility for your little brother and babysit.  If you offetr to supervise they might be more open to him joining because you are there to watch him.  Or your parents.

    I have a trampoline in my backyard and although the little boys next door would LOVE to jump on it and have probably never been on one before, we always say no.


    Because we don't want them to hurt themselves and we don't want them coming into our yard by themselves to use it if we are not there.

    It is your neighbors perogative whether they want your brother or anybody else on their property.  Set a good example for your little brother ad use your words with your neighbors.  You don't need write a complaint anywhere and anyhow it would do no good as an answerer above me said ("playground police" or something- lol).

  6. Hang on, the playground is on their property, right?  It probably would have been a nice neighbourly thing to invite your little brother over to play with their kids but there's no law that says they have to.  Who are you planning to complain to, the Playground Policing Unit?!

    It sounds to me that the main thing that's bothering you is having to live near "foreign" neighbours.  That's a problem with your attitude, not theirs.

  7. Hilarious.

  8. As horrible as that probably was for him it was a start in the right direction as far as learning how cruel some people can be.You can write all the complaints you like they won't make them take it down or make them be understanding or kind. It is a really sad thing but this is the world in which we live but knowing there are jerks like that will make him stronger

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