
Help applying for the police force?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to join the police force, i applied this year but failed as i didnt have enough life experience? everyone i said that they look for you to gain this from going to university?

but i dont want to go to university, im in full time work, what other things can i do? im fit ehalthy and have gcse's and a levels and 2 years working experience?





  1. Just ask the recruiter. If you tell them you really want to get on, they'll give you general idea of what they mean by life experience. Don't expect a pat answer that tells you to do such-and-such and come back. They won't make that sort of promise. But if they believe in you, they will give you some direction.

  2. With out being funny you need to improve your writing skills, university is not required a good level of basic maths and English is. They will expect you to have done some sort of work with the public including voluntary work, no criminal record. They look at what is called "value added" aspects as well things that are out of the ordinary but show attitude and leadership, it can be as basic as helping out with kids or others, being a help with the local cadet force, look at joining the specials.

  3. Put your self into the Police Academy it will cost you about 3000 depends on your county and state just get you POST certification. Then apply to many agencys that are hiring.

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