
Help called the Whales .................Look?

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Slaughter of Whales in the Southern Ocean...........................

the Australian Government seems allmost helpless, how can this still be going on...............what is it really with the Japanese, going about in anyones Ocean doing as they please! Is this arrogance any different then their past ?




  1. I agree with you, there is absolutely NO reason to hunt and kill whales!

    As for the Japanese, they are arrogant and they will continue to kill these gentle, harmless and intelligent creatures.

    It is up to the rest of the civilised world to convince the Japanese (and others) to stop their primitive obsession with whale meat, by the use of commercial sanctions if necessary.

  2. this problem should not be taken against the Japanese culture, or their seemingly arrogant behavior (as in the past) is the basic need of humans to find food that results in tragic incidents like these.. perhaps they have been fishing in international waters (not against any country's sovereignty) ..and the whales happened to attempt feeding on their catch, if not.. they could indeed be hunting the whales specifically.

    it is actually this same need to find and secure food, land, and resources that brought the british across the oceans down to australia, way earlier than the japanese.

  3. In my opinion the Japanese are a nation of very proud people and they do not want to be seen to be being told what to do by other countries. As the saying goes though, 'pride comes before a fall'.  

    Japan do not ned to hunt whales for scientific reasons. Greenpeace have been using non-lethal research to conduct exactly the same research and gather the same data which the Japanese claim they need to kill whales in order to conduct.

    They also do not need to hunt whales for food - much of the whale meet they accumulate is kept in cold storage for years or used as pet food.  If it was so popular why would they be having to run campaigns to encourage people to eat it??

    Whaling is totally unnecessary and a barbaric, dispicable practice.

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