
Help cat may be lost!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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we let my cat out everyday in the morning and he comes back in about 2-4 hours sometimes later for food and rest but we let him out yesterday morning and he hasn't come back since! we've looked or him in our area but we can't see him if he doesn't come back soon what should i do?




  1. you have not said whether your cat has been neutered or not. also how old is he? if he is an intact male, he may have found a girlfriend. which is the best reason for having a pet fixed is that they will stay home instead of out looking for love. check with your local shelter to see if maybe he got picked up. if you have a picture of him go ahead and put some posters up. good luck, hope you find him.

  2. put up some posters and ask around to if any 1 has seen him mabe go to you local vet to see if any1 has found a cat and taken it in but im sure he will come back my antie had a cat and i went missing 4 a week alot of cats do it

    its good to have a collour with name on or microchipt good luck hope his ok

  3. if your cat is insured ring up the company they will help you look for him

  4. Put up "LOST" posters all around your neighborhood, ask your neighbors if they've seen him, and call local shelters and animal control to see if he was picked up or turned in.

    Unfortunately you take this risk with letting animals outdoors. He could've been picked up by someone (who has no intention of turning him in), or attacked by a wild animal, or hit by a car. I really hope he turns up okay but you need to be prepared for the worst.

    Also, if he DOES come back have him microchipped. That way if animal control does get him, they can scan him and he'll have your contact information, in case he loses his collar and tag.

    Good luck!

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