I was debating my brother recently (I'm 21, he's 18) regarding religion - I'm an ardent atheist/skeptic, and he's Protestant. When we were discussing how science determines what is "true" or not, he had this to say - and I quote:
"Something must be assumed to be correct until it is disproven."
To say this is a silly idea would be to say the Atlantic ocean is damp. High school students and PhD's alike know that this is a totally incorrect statement. It would require that every scientist believe that Zues, Baal, God, Leprechauns, and the Celestial Teapot exist.
What I'm looking for is a very reputable document that clearly and explicitly repudiates this statement. Does anyone know some of reading that might clue my him in? (and Dawkins is out ... my brother is convinced he's the antichrist, and refuses to read a word he's written, lest he be lead astray <gasp>)