
Help figuring out my college major?

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My top choices are.....

Italian studies

Environmental studies

Interior design

which do you recommend and why?

career-wise, which will provide for the best career prospects?

I am thoroughly interested and passionate about all 3 but want to choose only one. Please don't suggest a combination of all 3.




  1. Environmental sciences or management would probably provide the best opportunities, or at least the most opportunities. The jobs probably won't pay a whole lot, but sometimes you get lucky. A friend of mine got a degree along those lines, and now manages some aspect of the local recycling district. He makes 72k a year now, and will likely be promoted next year to a larger scale manager position and will be making about 94k a year. He's 26 years-old.

  2. Actually you could combine all three.  You could study interior design that is environmentally friendly in Italy.   I hear there is an American University in Milan and Rome.  Or just learn Italian and go to their university.

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