
Help finally getting over my ex

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four years ago i ended an extremely intense, very negative practically soul destroying relationship. at first i wouldnt leave the house, but over time i have a decent job, live independently and am thinking about my future. i spent a year in councelling which is the best thing i have ever done and i reclaimed a lot of self esteem back. now i feel like i am kind of at a standstill, like i need to finally let go of the past and i dont know how. time just isnt doing it and councelling isnt either. i dont want to resort to anti depressants either. another thing is how the h**l do i let anyone else in? i am so scared of being hurt again.




  1. Don't worry I was in a situation like this once I was scared of any man then because of what happened to me. To let go of the past you need to see him and make sure their is no hard feelings and maybe chat about the things that have happened to each other since you broke up if that does not help or if you are  too shy try the phone and if you are both still single maybe you could get back together. If you need help getting a man you could get a job at a strip club he goes to or just any then men will come lineing up for you.

    hope this advice helps you, it helped me so good luck :)

  2. Take a lot of time on yourself!!! Maybe there is someone who will want to be with you, but it will take time.

  3. I applaud your decision to seek therapy and stay off the anti-depressants.  

    Everyone is afraid of getting hurt and I doubt that anyone our age has not been a victim of heartbreak.  

    The journey toward a happy and fulfilling life involves looking forward and seeing all the possibilities.  Look back only to see how much you have accomplished.  You have managed to put your life back together.

    It's still a work in progress so it's only natural you feel like you are 'at a standstill'.

    Keep working with your therapist, go out with friends and family, and stay positive.

    Look at the positive living websites online - they help.

  4. The best thing for you is time.

  5. maybe you two were meant 2 be....

  6. u really need to just relax time heals all wounds get back in the game go out with ur friends and if u do get in a relationship take it slow tell them u have been hurt before and dont wanna get hurt again

  7. one thing you can do is this talk to someone that you know like a friend that knows what happened and if you trust them tell them how you feel

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