
Help from both genders please!?

by  |  earlier

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im in year 8, and i go to a girl's school (which doesnt help). but all the other girls know guys and stuff out of school but i lost contat with the guys i usedf to hang out with in primary.i wanna know what im doiung rong as im sick of being in the tram and not being seen.i can almost see the guys drooling over the girl next to me or across the tram.HELP! how can i make myself more attractive to them?




  1. Maybe you just need to start speaking to guys that you meet. It may not be the way that you look. You do attend an all girls school, so that must make it difficult to meet guys.

  2. try going to parties or other events.  also join an activity or organization whether in or outside of your school so that you can meet & socialize with new people including guys. I also went to an all-girl's school way back in high school up to college & that's what I do.

  3. Post a pic maybe. Be more friendly to guys.

  4. Try hanging around with your friends that seem to know a lot of guys. I know how hard it is because I go to an all girls school and I'm in year 8 (going into year 9 in September that's two things we've got in common) I don't really think you need to make your self more attractive for them, you're probably pretty enough as you are.

    At my school we've got this bus that most people go on because it goes near the all boys school near ours. Sometimes I take that bus just to see my guy friends I don't see that often. Or sometimes I go to the shopping centre we're most people from my school and the all boys school hang about. Try doing something like that.

    Or you could try getting in contact with the boys from primary school, if you do they'll probably introduce you to their new friends, then eventually you'll know a lot of people.

    That's all I can think of right now, I'll probably edit my answer tomorrow (or technically later on today)

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