
Help he's BALDING!!!?????

by Guest21447  |  earlier

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my partner is loosing his hair in the temple area, is there anytng that can be done to either reverse it or halt it?

I'm not bothered but his confidence is effected by it, it's actually quiet funny really we've been together since we were 14, back then he was only just growing a beard hehe




  1. Can't really do a damned thing about it that isn't either expensive or useless.

    Rogaine (minoxidil) is about the most effective thing there is, and it can help a *lot* with some kinds of hair growth issues... but there's no way to know if it works for *you* until you've spent a few hundred dollars and many weeks of possible frustration on the effort.

    You don't mind it, right?   You've told him so, I presume.   If he's not willing to take your word for it that it doesn't lessen his attractiveness, he's got at least one self-esteem issue that's beyond me, beyond you, and *far* beyond Yahoo! Answers.    If you don't think he'll freak out about the idea, maybe you should talk to him about counseling instead of about hair growth.  :-)

  2. You can use rogaine oir i have even seen on tv where men and women get hair tranplants surgical done.

  3. theres a foam u can buy a any story, i cant remember the name but my grandpa used it on his bald spot, it isnt a bald spot anymore

    its called like vo5 hair growth or sumtin, srry

  4. You can tell him to get a hair transplant, but that is really expensive.  

  5. you cant stop it. He is meant to be that way. it woudl better to just shave it all off it gets too bad!

  6. There are 2 genuine medications that do produce hair growth in male pattern baldness. Minoxidil, which is a lotion and finasteride   which is take orally. Both only produce useful growth in a percentage of users and have to be used indefinitely to maintain the growth. Most people eventually give up, either because the effects are not good enough, or they get fed up with the ongoing cost.

    I abandoned ship years ago and shaved my head, I can't imagine ever letting it grow again now.

  7. Tell him it's a sign of virility!! - supposedly.

    Tell him it looks distinguished, 'wear' it with pride.

    There are expensive quack treatments, none work, better to shave the head as a fashion statement. cheap, practical.

    He wouldn't want a Donald Trump look would he? Even Sinatra got laughed at when trying to conceal his thinning hair, and he had enough cash to pay for hair transplants - allegedly.

  8. procipia perscition drug or reganier solution for scalp only sold by boots in uk

    procpia works will but do not by from internet because you will get fake tabs

    many holigay cels were net wigs that look very real like shan warne the criketer of john travolter

    advancedhairstudios sell this but the do not call them wigs strand by strand i think but don'y be fooled the lasor treatment and other est are a con a do not work

    you pay about 2-3 000 for wig then 50 pound a month to have re done and this will cause all hare under to fail out but they look real maybe brad pitt wears one

  9. Generally speaking no (the treatments aren't very effective) I prefer the shaved off look, your partner should consider shaving it all off (I love the look, Ill be honest) it's better than a few hairs here and few hairs there! Not really a fan of the Prince Charles look, I have to say!

  10. it's a common male thing him and you have got to learn to live with it ,he should perhaps reduce the length of his hair to the point of possibly grade 1

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