
Help help!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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in my art class, my teacher told me that you are gona make something realting to ice cream.

i m gona that thing with clay.

1st i told my teacher my teacher that i m gona make ice cream cone but she said it's gona take you long time to make, so my question is:

Can you tell me what i can make something realting to ice cream in 2 and half week.

please tell me




  1. huh?

  2. I don't know what your teacher is thinking, but I think an ice cream cone is an excellent idea. It makes no sense at all that she should think it would take a long time. Do it anyway.


  3. I think you have left some information out of this question.

    Which thing with clay? like, Fima or Sculpey? Or Model Magic? Or real clay where you have to glaze it and fire it in a kiln and all that? Were you planning on making the ten-foot Cone From the Darkside? you know, the one that ate N.Y.C?

    Because as your question is phrased I don't see why even a life size Sculpey cone would take any longer than any other ice cream related project and, to be honest with you it's about the only ice cream related project I can think of. Maybe a sundae or an Eskimo Pie (hey! that'd be easy!)  but after that my well is pretty much dry. Good luck!
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