
Help .... i'm scared?

by  |  earlier

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yea is there something i can do about my hair......a lot of hair falls off.....i shampoo like always and put on my conditioner...but all of a sudden it started coming of a started ever since i came back from didn't happen before i left....i just grab my hair and you see a lot of hair on my hand...i told my mom but she doesn't care...she thinks its because i pull on it when i brush....but i brush so softly that i take like two hours just to get half of my hair done....what should i do...and don't tell me that i gotta go to the doctors cuz my mom wont take me...she thinks i'm exaggerating.




  1. If you're spending two hours a day brushing your hair, its no wonder its all falling out.

    Get a grip.

  2. There is a condition called alopaecia (not sure of spelling) where your hair will fall out.  It's usually caused by stress or allergies.

    It could also be that your hair is brittle and needs conditioning after having been in a warmer climate for awhile.

    Infusium makes a great leave-in conditioning treatment that should help you.  An aunt who was losing lots of hair was told by her hairdresser to massage it into her scalp each night, and not only did she stop losing hair, the new hair grew in thicker.  I use only Infusium shampoo and conditioning treatment.  It comes in different formulas for different kinds of hair.  It also has a rinse-out conditioner for even more conditioning treatment.  All the line is relatively inexpensive, running about $5-$6 per 12-16 oz. bottle/tube.

  3. My hair 'sheds', as my mom would call it, all the time. I'm pretty sure it's normal.

  4. I had that too. I was extremely stressed and constantly worried about stuff. My hair fell out in the same way yours does. It was even embarassing because hair would fall of and stick to my jumper at school. It was also partly because i was a vegetarian aswell. The best thing you can do is have a relaxation time everyday. Don't think about your troubles, just light a few candles, read a book, have a bath... whatever you want to do to relax, take a walk. Don't be under a time frame. If your low on protein/iron in your diet then take iron supplement tablets or eat more protein (dark greens, eggs, red meat, chicken, fish etc). Good luck.

  5. Pull it all of and get a bandana

  6. if  your moms not worried and your not going bald, don't worry

  7. Holy ****! I would get paranoid if I were you. Go see a doctor or a hair specialist and do something about it.  

  8. noo u may have cancer lol so u should go to see a doctor cuz this could get serios, and why dont u ask ur father, or and close adult (exept for ur mother cuz she said noo)!

  9. Hmmnnnnnnnnn I'm not sure what to tell you other to seek a physician's help but if your mom won't take then maybe another family member will. Or you could try changing your shampoo & conditioner if it doesn't work then I strongly advise you to seek medical attention.

  10. you didn't say how old you are, but is there a school nurse you could talk to?

    if you blow dry or straighten your hair, try to cut back. the less you handle it the better. make sure you are eating right. you may want to take a multivitamin as well. good luck.

  11. mostly hair falls out from two main causes from low iorn and a cancer called luchemia but /ducksmost likely its low iorn so all you have to do is call your doctor and tell them wats happening and get iorn pills subscibed my sister has to take them i know how you feel get better soon


  12. Make sure you use a good conditioner and comb your hair out slowly, starting from the bottom and working your way up.  Your hair probably got dried out and now breaks off easily.  I wouldn't worry about it...  

  13. hmmm, well how old are you? make your own doctors appointment if it gets to the points where your getting bald spots. ..

    but sometimes your hair will do that, when new hair is growing in. so it wont last forever.

    but if you for some reason have bald spots, im sure your mom will take you to the doctors then.

  14. That happens to me, too

    I recommend getting the conditioner called "Thermal".  It has Shea Butter beads in it and it seriously repairs hair like none other.. it's in a tall, red, shiny bottle.  Probably can get it at sally's or ulta.  Mine tends to fall out when I over-bleach or twirl my hair a lot.

    Mexico, hm?  Unless you were swimming in chlorine all day, I have no idea why it would suddenly start... Try washing it every other day and like I said, use Thermal.  Good luck!  

  15. quit being scared... if u keep on acting crazy more will fall out

  16. Depends on what you think is alot. We do lose hair but if it is falling out significantly - it could be a vitamin deficiency. Lack of protein too can effect hair growth That is why if you are on a severe diet you lose hair. Add vitamins and see or even go on and they can help if mom won't take you to rhe Dr. or better yet call a local druggist. They answer lots of these questions and can help almost as well as a doctor

  17. I have the same problem with my mother, she wont take me to the doctors even when I'm seriously ill. But since your mom thinks that you are pulling to hard on the brush have HER brush your hair once. Then she can see that its not you at all. She can then see all the hair falling off your scalp and that you are not exaggerating.  
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