
Help i hit a fire hydrant?

by  |  earlier

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i hit a fire hydrant in my 1990 ford winstar because i swerved to miss a dog. well of course my bumper pushed in and moved my radiator and bent the frame that hold the radiator. i have 2 questions. 1 is how do i bend my frame back without having to pay a mechanic and 2 about the radiator. well i was looking at it and on the outsides of the metal there is plastic on both sides. On the one side the plastic seperated but didnt break. can i fix that or do i need a whole new radiator?




  1. Shoulda hit the dog. Now you're looking at a big repair price. I know it sounds hard hearted, but what if there had been a kid standing there instead of the hydrant? I'll hit the dog any day.

  2. so now i guess yo u know you dont swerved for dogs right you let off the gas and blow horn dont  try to stop jujst try and slow down.. its not worth the problems if you miss it and hit someone or something.. wel lyo ucan chain it to a tree and back up and get a new radiator more then likey but best way to fix it would be a shop sorry .. dont dodge dogs or anything but people or maybe a cows or horses

  3. You must have hit your head.

    Take it to a shop

  4. Well im sorry to say but there is no way you can fix your frame by yourself...they will most likely cut it, and replace it with a new peice if the frame in that vehicle can be modified. As far as the rad, its cracked and cannot be used again because it will guarenteed leak anit freeze or be defective...good luck!

  5. well me and my dad once tied two truck on both ends of the frame and unbent a Chevy cav and it worked well but not recommended, and since its a 1990 ford i say get a new car coz its going to cost more then the value of the vehicle

  6. When you say "frame that holds the radiator", are you referring to the radiator brackets or the actual car frame?  The brackets, you may be able to straighten, but the car frame will require a frame machine.  

      Is the radiator leaking?  If so, being plastic, it is most likely unrepairable.

  7. Those plastic radiators can be heat welded but this tends to be temporary at best.

    The radiator frames can be pulled back into shape by stripping the parts away to give access and fitting a chain or similar to the bent part and pull it back into shape. Ive seen this done using another car or chain/cable pulley. Its not easy and you could do more damage if you don't know what you are doing. I recommend having it done professionally or get some help from someone that knows what to do.

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