Question: bro question?

by  |  earlier

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i REALLY want to go to their concert in noblesville but my mom wont take me....and i need a way to make 60.00 so i can pay for my do i explain to her how freakin bad i want to go ??? HELP !!!




  1. Trust me, i know EXACTLY how you feel!! For the money, is there anyone that you know that you can babysit?? Do you get an allowance?? If you don't, ask for one!! Do EXTRA chores if you have to! *trust me, it WILL be worth it*. If you live on a busy street, you can have a lemonade stand...depending on the number of people who pass your street, $60 might only take a few hours to make. Is your birthday coming up? Ask for money, or better yet, a ticket!! Do you have a stash hidden in your room? lol...i know I do!! Maybe you could even clean your room and sell some of your stuff on eBay (if it's okay with your mom, of course). Good luck, and i hope you get to the concert!!!

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