
Help learning to read?

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i am just wondering if there is a problem here. by age 5 my and my 9 y.o sis could read. but yet my smallest sister cannot read at all!!! cannot spell simple words.

so this summer i would like to jump start that. can i have some help. some tips with teaching kids to read. any sites that will help me or help her? thanks!




  1. Start with flash cards. Good for you for helping her.

  2. Read lots and lots of books to her.Also take turns reading her favorite books.Make reading a game she will find fun instead of work.Good for you helping her the way you are.

  3. Buy Bob Books-They are easy to read for first time readers. You may find them at the public library.

    Warm Regards,


  4. Something very important I would like you to realise.  Not all children start to read at 5... It is the same concept as not all children are potty trained at 2, or not all 3 year olds talk in long clear sentences. Every child is different and development is as individual as the children developing..  I do not like the concept of institutionalised learning where children are expected to keep up academically with a set model of learning or they fall behind.  Having said that however, I respect your concerns and will give you my opinion on what to try...

    Start back at the very beginning, make flash cards for every letter of the alphabet. When she can recognise all letters then start thinking of words together that begin with that letter.  This takes time so patience is vital !!!  Only when she can associate a word with the phonetic sounds will she be on the road to reading words....

    All the best and she WILL be a very fluent reader one day.  This is a very hard skill to master and it takes time, development and perserverance.

  5. A language rich environment is the best way to help your sister learn to read! Show her the value of literacy by 1.Reading her simple books (like Dr Seuss) several times a day.  2. Taking her to the library and helping her pick out simple books/magazines that interest her, and reading them as often as she asks. 3. Helping her to write her own simple books. (She draws the pictures and dictates the story for you to write down) 4 Turn off the TV and Computer! 5. Pointing out printed words everywhere you see them. Make a game of identifying the letters and words you see. 6. Make sure she sees the adults and children around her reading for  fun!
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