
Help me, please!!!? WEIRD!?

by Guest61328  |  earlier

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I'm completely unexperienced sexually, and as a 19 year old female i feel pretty pathetic. However, i feel really unnerved and creeped out when i see like little kids down the beach or something not wearing much. Well, actually i dont really, but sometimes it makes me feel weird?! I had this when i was younger, too. It's freaking me out! I'm a really paranoid person and now i'm thinking oh **** what if i persuade myself im a paedophile?! And then i have to go into hiding and everyone would hate me and EURGH. Although obv i'd NEVER do something like this.

I think i need a relationship with a man?

Please don't say things like "you're sick" and stuff cos it's incredibly upsetting, and i'm finding the whole thing very disturbing, i feel awful about it. But when i think of weird stuff i don't think EURGH THAT'S SICK, i like don't think anything at all. But i think that's cos i've been thinking about it far too much. I get like this, i worry about things over and over and over. I've also never been brought up around little children, and they've always annoyed the h**l out of me tbh.

Anyway... Thanks for reading and please don't answer if you're going to say something nasty cos i really can't handle it right now. Thanks.

And no, i haven't been abused as a child.




  1. I'm also 19 and no sexual experience so yea it's not that pathetic.About weird thoughts umm yea might be just your hormones acting weird but  if you wanna talk to a councelor it will help.Good luck!!

  2. ok, I'm no therapist, but here goes.

    Your young, your s*x hormones are spiking and your inner urges are conflicting with your values. This is normal.

    You want to avoid developing habitual ways of thinking. Put an elastic band on your wrist and when you get these thoughts, pull the band and say "stop" in your head. Now replace the train of thought with a positive goal, in your case "i'm going to get laid". Dont dwell on these things, life is strange before the age of 25 except this fact. be carefull with the paranoia, avoid stimulants, like coffee, as these speed up your thoughts without you being to put some logic into them. All in all though, stop worrying, one day (when you stop looking) you will find a good sexual partner and probably a few bad ones, and you seem sexually frustrated at the mo, and thats probably the root of it all.

  3. Sometimes, Ocd can make you think strange thoughts -it's not your fault. If it continues to worry you, maybe mention it to a doctor, it's an anxiety problem

  4. Firstly it's not pathetic to be unexperienced sexually when your only 19. Theres plenty of time and no rush.

    I don't think your weird, it's good that you recognize that it's unusual to feel how your feeling. However i do think that there is a problem.

    I was wondering if as a child you were taught or made to feel that nudity was wrong or revolting in some way? Even to the extent of just  wearing  revealing clothing? This could be the source of your problem.

    You don't seem to have much time for children anyway so this may just add to a problem that already existed. Maybe not having time for chidren was how you felt as a child? Maybe your feelings stem from a bad  experience you have had before. Can you remember any significant moment when these feelings may have sparked off?

    Perhaps being sexually unexperienced has led you to be curious of peoples bodies no matter what age, it's not as often that you see adult walking around naked, therefore maybe you would feel the same way with adults? Maybe your feelings are due to the fact that you haven't seen a naked adult before?

    I also wonder if you had late puberty, if so, that may make you feel a bit confused and curious about other peoples bodies, causing you to have these weird feelings.

    There are a number of factors that could make you feel this way, at the moment i would try not to worry too much, thinking about it all the time may be  adding to the problem. Don't convince yourself that your a bad person for feelings that you can't control. However you should take steps to try and identify whats causing them and what the weird feeling are i.e. fear, disgust curiousity, and then deal with them.

    You may need to have some sexual eduaction about your own body and other peoples of the same age, this doesn't mean run out and have s*x. Try to speak to someone you trust about s*x who is perhaps experienced themselves. Let them know that you are curious about it, ask them about their experiences and what you can expect when the time comes.

    I hope this helps.

  5. This may sound strange but it could possibly be OCD. The obsession part of the disorder makes your mind come up with some weird thoughts some times and your mind just starts obsessing over it. Makes it really hard to get the images or thoughts out of your mind.

    Just remember they are only obsessions, I also have really weird thoughts some times knowing that I would never really pursue them. It is just part of the disorder.

    Just knowing is half the battle!

  6. You may need to see a counsellor about how youre feeling as this is not normal and leads to your being ostracised.

  7. I sugest you see a doctor, im 31 and had a simalar problem around your age, i went to a therapist, they helped me out.

    you will be okay.

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