
Help me , adoption?

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im 14 and pregnant

im going to start looking for a place to live...with the baby.

im having tons of trouble

any places pregnant teens can go ? in texas

any adoption places that allow me and the baby to be adopted together ?

my mom will sign papers, i just dont no where to go

anything idea or what ever will help.





  1. That's so sad. I hate to hear that. If your mom really cared she would keep you and the baby!!

  2. There certainly are places for you to go so that you and your child can be together--perhaps in foster care.  I see it all the time.  I ache for you.  You should be able to go into foster care, at the very least, and you should be able to keep your child with you in foster care.  There's no need to talk about adoption as if it were your only option for your baby.  Hang in there and don't give up.  I wish I had more specific advice.  I bet there are some first moms and adoptees on YA that can give you more specific guidance.  I just know that if you were my daughter I would want you to know that being pregnant and 14 is not the end of the world.  I would want you to know that we would figure it out together and that you are not alone.

  3. Call some local adoption agencies or hospitals and see if they now of any pregnancy homes you could move into.  The only problem is that most of those places only give you a few months after the baby is born and then you have to move out.

    As far as someone adopting both you and the baby.... that might  be a hard one because the adoptive family is probably going to want to parent the baby and that will be a little awkward with you around.    But you never know.  When you call the adoption agency about the housing programs ask them if they think they would know anyone.

  4. I feel so sorry for you as you shouldn't be in this position at all.It sounds as of your mum is a hard person who shouldn't have had children if she is willing to sign adoption papers to give you up when she has had you for all your life.Is there any other family members who would be willing to become your legal guardians and give a home to both you and your child?If not maybe a foster situation might be worth looking into so you and your baby can stay together.Whatever happens I wish you all the best for the future and hope you both can stay together.

  5. there are foster homes that will take you in and help you so you can keep your baby.

      I fell so sorry for you to have a mom that does not care.

    look to see if you have any family that does care.

       my husband and I are looking to adopt. there are alot of wonderful people out there that would adopt both of you.

        good luck:)

  6. that's a terrible position to be in. yes, there are halfway houses for pregnant teens and other places you can get help. call your county's dept. of human services, and tell them your situation. they can help. i admire the fact that you want to keep your baby. hang in there!

    and dont listen to reppin l. he keeps trolling and i just keep reporting. lol

    good luck!


    Hope these are helpful.  Very best wishes to you and yours.

  8. I don't know about Texas, but where I live the Foster system has parents who will take in pregnant teens and they could adopt you, but you should not give up your parental rights. You could raise the baby with your adoptive parents help. Call your local Dept. of Children and Family Services. A social worker can guide you. Good luck and I'm sorry your mom can't help you..

  9. I think it is wonderful that you want to try and be adopted or fostered along with your baby. That is a fantastic choice and hopefully you will find loving caring people and it will be the best thing for both you and your child.

    Pity your own mum feels the way she does. Although i guess everyone has their own beliefs and ways to deal with things.

    All the best. Good luck.

  10. Awwwwe sweetie why is leaving home an option? I think you need your mom more then ever. Maternity homes are for girls who give their babies up for adoption. Why is your mom so eager to let you go? Please stay with a friend or relative you should not be alone right now separated from your family.
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