
Help me!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!! ?

by  |  earlier

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ok so last night at about 8 30 9 00 we had company over, so i put my 6 month yellow lab outside and my family went down stairs.

we could hear him barking and tried to stop him but he really would

so my neighbor who is a little bit of a drinker came over and was like "THE BARKING NEEDS TO STOP I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!

then he told my dad that next time he is callling the cops!

my dad sid that if the cops come then we would have to take him to the pound

my dad also got on my case about how i don't spend enough time with him and i don't walk him and stuff

i understand that l8ly i have been busy with football be cuz i have 2-a-days and i am dead tired

so how can i stop him from calling the police and keep my dog quiet




  1. Maybe you need to do some soul searching.  Big dogs, especially puppies, require a lot of time.  They need to be trained. They should absolutely go to obedience school.  Life is about choices and if you can't commit the time to your dog then maybe you should find him an owner who can.

  2. I agree with the exercise answer.  My dog is restless and barks at night if I don't exercise her.  Find an activity he really enjoys like playing catch and wear his butt out with it tight before bed time.

  3. no they wont come and take your dog not the first time.

    go to this site maybe this will help

  4. your dog needs exercise,exercise, its not her fault it is up to you to keep her happy, you need to spend more time with her exspecially since shes a pup, needs lots of attention

  5. go in the room with the dog so it'll stop barking next time.

  6. If it's your dog and I guess that it is, then you must handle the training or give the dog up.  Even if football suffers.  The dog needs exercise and training.

    Next time you have company (invite a few of your friends to help), put the dog on a leash tied to your waist.  If the dog does anything your parents would not like, correct the dog with a "shh!" or "uh-uh!", and if needed a short jerk on the lead.  Do not yell - the dog thinks of this as barking and will join in.   Even a big dog can be trained to be the invisible guest at a party.  This takes practice, like I said get your friends to help.  Set it up like a play.  One guy is the dog feeding guy - you say "leave-it!".  Someone is the scared-of-dogs person.  Everyone puts food to close to dog and he must "leave-it", "shh!", "uh-uh!"

    The barking needs to be handled a little differently.  While the party goes on inside you have to wait just inside the door.  As soon as the dog barks either, spray with water gun, blow whistle, horn, shake can of coins.  When the dog is quiet, quickly go out and give treats and praise.  Repeat until 9:58 pm, which in most towns is the time all noise must stop.  Then you have to take the dog in to your room or something so he does not bark.

  7. Simple... you spend more time with him. You wake up early you walk him, you come home, you walk him, you pet him you talk to him and you dont ignore him. A problem barker is a dog that is bored and lonely. You need to do more if your dad and mom isnt willing to. Is the dog considered your? did you want it and promise to care for it? then he has every right to take it away if you dont.  

  8. Keep the dog in the house.

    If you have company over, put a leash on him to keep him at your side so he won't jump up on anyone.

    Train him to sit and stay so he can be with you.

  9. Get a dog trainer. A dog trainer will make your dog more polite and stop barking

  10. You're going to need to keep the dog inside.  A high energy dog that's outside and is bored, will bark.  Your neighbor is within his rights to call the cops about your noise violation.  The only way to make sure this doesn't happen, is keep your dog where he can't bother people.

    I realize you're tired, we all are every day after work, believe me!  But if it's your dog (and I glean from your question he is), you're going to have to take him for long walks/runs anyways.  You play football, take him with you on your jogs you go on for exercise.  It'll be good for you both.

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