
Help me!!! What is wrong?

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There is something wrong please dont tell me you are born *ay or something like that because there is always a way. Since like 4th grade I wanna be straight live a normal life but I just cant. I need to be straight thats the only thing thats bothering me now at 13, ga* or straight. How can I stay or keep straight. I want to have children and be normal please dont tell me you could be normal while your g*y! YOU CANT!!! Life is too short to live it miserably. Please help me overcome my problem please.

Like most of the people in the world are strait that is how I want to be please help me like you are helping one of your family members.

P.S I am talking to a school social worker about it she say that there is nothing wrong with being g*y. I think there is. So please give me a way to be strait with a wife kids and a perfect life.

Thank You





  1. well, one thing to think about is that at age 13, you are not done maturing sexually yet. This is a time period where you are going to feel many many different sexual feelings and urges, and it just so happens that some of them may be a homosexual feelings. If you are really determined to be a heterosexual, you may just need to understand that being 13 years old and having these feelings does not mean that you will have them when you are done maturing sexually. Believe me, I had some very strange urges when I was your age and I am as straight as they come.

  2. Well, dude, for what it's worth, I'm g*y, and I got married and had kids.  There are a LOT of g*y guys who do this.  I knew since fourth grade that I liked guys.  And I've been g*y my whole life, and I haven't had a miserable or crappy life;  in fact it's been pretty good.

  3. I don't understand why you are fighting so hard to avoid the inevitable.  You must accept who you are - no matter the label.   There are many straight people, married, w/or w/out children that lead miserable lives & make life miserable for each other & everyone around them.  So, being g*y has absolutely nothing to do with a 'normal' lifestyle - whatever THAT is.  So-called normal people scare me.  You are only going to make yourself sick w/stress & anxiety by worrying over something you may not have any control over.   Make peace with your inner self on this matter & accept who you are & things will work out over time.  Good luck.

  4. Well if you are really g*y you can't do nothing about just accept your self g*y people can have their own family and be wonderful parents. If you do make it to a family where you are the only man in then couple and then you decide that that doesn't make you happy and that you want to be with a man you are going to make your children and wife really unhappy. I will tell you that if you are g*y just accept your self and do not care what other ignorants say. If you really want to be straight just have a normal life and try to know girls and see if that is really what you want. Their is plenty g*y people that i know and for me they are normal.

  5. well i understand i mean who wants to live there life g*y... but you cant tell every one you are straight then knowing in your mind you arent..just do whats best for you and forget everyone else!! they arent living your life so they shouldnt tell you how to live it right *ok bye*

  6. If you want to live your life straight and be miserable knowing your not attracted to them, thats fine. Maybe you'll come around later and realize that what other people think does not matter, your happiness is much more important. I can't imagine living a life based on what others think! There's nothing wrong with you, we can't help who we are attracted to. Straight people can't help being straight, same with g*y ppl.

    I think u just need time.

  7. No, there isn't anything wrong and you will NEVER stop being g*y.  You have to accept yourself for what you are or just live a lie until you die.  The first seems logical.  

  8. Maybe just have s*x with 1 guy to over come your gayness.

    focus on girls when you think of a guy think of a real ugly one.

    There isint nothing wrong with being g*y sometimes you just have to accept it.

  9. First of all, you are being a bit ignorant. Being bi sexual, or homo sexual isn't bad. Homosexuality  doesn't make you weird, mhm kay? So now, let me tell you now: if you want to be straight, and if you can't, then I'm sorry, but that is you. If you want to be normal, be yourself.

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