
Help me get her back?

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So my well now ex was complaining about how I never take her out to the night club with me. I usally go 4 times a week with my buddies. Well on thursday night. She suggest we go together for once. Since we been together for a year and I never took her. Well I got so drunk!! I didnt remember a thing!! Well I woke to my girl yelling at me. Apparently I tried to hook up with this girl and I was all over her in front of girlfriend. She said that I block her out to talk and hang all over this girl. I didnt remember anything so I assume she was drunk and maybe over exaggerate. So I go to work and told my friends . And they said that my ex was right and that I was all over the other girl. They said they told me to stop. But I wouldnt. I dont know what to do. I love this girl with all my heart. And she is going to medical school in a few days. How can I get her back. She said she dont want to be 3000 miles away. And have to worry about me messing around!! Advice please.. I dont remember anything so I dont have no explanation for her...




  1. write a letter to ask to forgive. explain I did all not with my conscious sense.

    "give me a chance, I will never make the same mistake again

    I need you that's y I am coming behind of u, Forgive me"

    advise: don't drink till u lost memory

  2. Dude, that's messed up. Best thing for all of you to do is stop drinking because it's obvious you can't handle it, especially if you can't remember what you did the next day and you end up all over some girl you don't know.

    Best advice--let your ex go off to medical school and you get your sh*t together while she's gone.  

    All you can do is tell her that you are going to get your life straightened out while she's gone.  Tell her you're sorry for what happened and that you don't remember what you did.  If she can't take that, then you two need to part ways anyway--I mean, she's an Ex anyway???

    The relationship sounds messed up anyway.  The best thing that can happen is your ex will be a success at Medical School.  And you find AA or something.  Sometimes you have to love someone enough to let them go.  And if you really thought about this, you'd know that your ex bettering her life is the best thing for her.  

    But seriously, the both of you need to give up the booze--Relationships need clear heads.  Numbing yourself won't help.

  3. If you loved her as much as you say you do, you wouldn't be going out party as much as you do. temptation is always there why make it easier for you to give in to it? She is really hurt especially because she witness you trying to hook up with another girl.In my eyes that's unforgivable because who knows what else you do when your drunk. If you want her forgiveness you need to show her that you can be responsible when you drink or cut out partying period! You need to make sacrifices if you want her in your life

  4. First I think you should tell her that you messed up bad and beg her to take you back.

    How can you expect her to trust you if you run to the club 4 times a week? And the one time you take her, you get smashed and pick up on other women. Not necessarily the best impression.

    You have to convince her that she can trust you. Otherwise, forget it and go your separate ways.

  5. honestly just let her be. she deserves better than you. if you are going clubbing 4 nights a week, you'll soon find a new piece of a s s to bang. let the poor girl get her education and find a DECENT man in school cause you are obviously a dog that does not deserve her!  

  6. I hope she doesn't take you back. Can't hold your booze can you? What's to stop you from going out well she's at school and gettin too drunk to remember again?  

  7. Don't try to get her back.  If you are going out with your male buddies four times a week, you are not really ready for interested in a relationship.  Let her go to med school, stay in touch, and see where you end up after she's finished.  If you really are the best people for each other, it will work out.

  8. Sorry but you don't have a chance.  

  9. take her out to a nice dinner....pledge to stop drinking... say you love her

  10. Well for one you are with someone so you don't go out to a place and get completely lit so the next day you don't remember anything. It's irresponsibile and just rude to do when you are with someone. Since she wanted to go with you what you should have done is NOT get drunk and be there for her not for these other girls. I would pissed at you and I wouldn't want you back so I don't know what else to tell you but you messed up. Learn from it next time and don't be so dumb.

  11. Stop drinking, don't go to clubs, dote all over her.

    That's the best I have. She should have woke you up by kicking your a**!

  12. you don't get her back, you realize that when you drink, you get out of control and cut back a bit! use it as a lesson learned because you don't deserve her back at all.  

  13. you should tell her that you are really sorry and that you will stop drinking so much and take her out some times make her feel special too do something nice like deliver flowers to her work school or home and send her poems tell her that she makes you feel complete and that you want to spend the rest of your life with her and shes the only one that you want to be all over and love and that you didn't mean for that one night to happen and you will try even better next time

    you need to get her to believe that you wont mess around try buying her a promise ring it can be a promise about anything so say you promise that you wont mess around with anyone whilst she is away and maybe you should spend more time with her than your mates as shes the one you love and you need to make her feel like shes your one and that she means abit more than your mates

    she might take you back she may not just try to show her that you love her and she means the world to you

    good luck i hope this helps you  

  14. the chances are pretty slim. i don't think any girl would want their guy back if they did that to them. unless they just have no respect for themselves and are too desperate. whether drunk or not you chose to hang out with that other girl and to your ex this may have only happened once but in her eyes this might have happened more than that. if she is going to medical school she wouldn't want to be distracted by the things that you do or worry about her relationship. you can say your sorry til your blue in the face she may or may not accept it but in the end maybe you will be lucky just to still be friends with her.  
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