
Help me get my friend back?

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My best friend Hannah has been my best friend since fourth grade. A popular girl that everyone thinks is perfect and sweet named Addison is hogging Hannah 24/7. I told Hannah that we weren't spending any time together, but she completely ignored me! I then asked her what I did wrong and she said that I was a loser and a b*****. I am guessing that Addison is spreading rumors about me to Hannah. We are only in sixth grade,and Hannah is calling a b*****! I told my teacher what Hannah said to me, and she got into trouble. Now she hates me like mad. What should I do!?




  1. wow this is like the stupidest thing ever ur only in 6th grade find a new best friend or jst get over it

  2. Act mature and move on, don't try to put more fuel on the fire.  Just mind your own business and hang out with someone else.  

  3. sorry to hear

  4. look if she believs the other girl watever shes saying forget it find new friends that want to hang out and be with u.or ask wat the other girl has been saying and say you really miss her if u really want her back

  5. OMG!! my friend did the exact same thing.well ex-friend now. but we're talking about u not me so i say first of all u shouldn't have told the teacher. but to get back at her make some new friends and like whenever you walk by her and Addison start laughing. my ex-friend did that to me and it so worked.

  6. don't get her back. Ignore, you wouldn't want a friend that called u that. and thats ignoring you.  

  7. Hold her at gunpoint and forcer her to be your friend again. (J/K)

  8. You can't force someone to be your friend.  You already tried talking to her, which was the right thing to do, but her response to you pretty much told you where she stands.  Also, the fact that you told on her didn't help your situation any.  

    At this point, I think you should write her a letter or send her an e-mail.  Apologize for getting her in trouble, remind her of all the fun you used to have (give specific examples), and tell her you'd still like to be her friend.  But the that she was so easily influenced by Addison and was so mean to you makes me wonder why you'd want to be her friend at all.

  9. all u can do is move on.

    you can't force her to stay your friend

    your just kids your gonna experiment with different friends.

    sure it sucks. but its her choice. not yours

  10. get a new friend!hannah seems like a right ***** and lol i doubt if hannah would want to be your friend after u told of her so just laugh at her about that and forget her.

  11. well i had this problem to, first you ask to talk to her, then you ask her what you did or what ever and see if she says something about addison saying something to her that was a lie about something you didnt even say if she wount talk to you about it its time ot get a new friend because she is not good enough.

    hope that helps? sorry if its not understandable.

  12. take the guy she likes

  13. Shes probably even more mad at u because u Snitched on her!!....idk wat to tell u in this situation but in other situations u shouldnt snitch on the person because then they will end up hating u even more

  14. Here is what you could do, get her on her own and tell her you are sorry for grassing her up. Then say you really still want to be friends with her and wipe the slate clean and start over from were you left off. Also tell her she can still spend time with that boy but spend time with you as well. If she carry's on being nasty tell her and say you don't want to be friends with someone like her and pretty soon no one will like her. If she is so nasty 2 you, you deserve some one better because True friends never choose some one else over you.

    I hope i Could help you a little bit

  15. Call her and settle this...tell her what you feel, and if that does not real get your parents to talk to her parents i guess.

    But if that doesnt work...than she is not a true friend!

  16. omy god that sucks.

  17. I'm 34 and lost my best friend.  It happens sometimes and you have to realize it's not something you can "fix".  She may decide to end the friendship, whether it's fair or not.  A real friend won't desert you over something someone says.  You'd be better off to find a real friend.  Try to get out and meet other people and have some fun.  Don't get weighed down with the hurt that this is causing you.  It won't be easy, but go on, and maybe with time she will come to her senses.  If not, it is her loss, not yours.

  18. ditch the b****.....time to move on

    dont deal with those who have no lives in school like Addison or whatever

  19. You learn as you grow that, especially at your age, your friends will like you one minute and then later they won't, it's a roller coaster ride for you right about now. Don't make things worse by talking about her or anything like that. Maybe write her a letter and tell her honestly how you feel and tell her that you miss her, but if she is still mean, then you'll prob be better off finding new friends...that's some strong words for a 6th grader!  

  20. Well, if she called you that and actually believed the stupid rumors Addison was making up then she really isn't you true friend.

    Plus, if you girls were best friends, why is she ignoring you in the first place and hanging out with Addison more than you and her should be hanging out?

    You can try to tell her that the rumors weren't true, or tell her how you feel.

    If it doesn't work out, she's not your true friend then.

  21. Let it go. There is no point trying to get her back at this point because she is obviously listening to Addison right now. Give it time. Leave her alone for now and with time if she is a good friend she will realize what she did and come back to you. Also if you are a good friend to her you will take her back. Sometimes we have to learn by our mistakes and hopefully she will learn that what she is doing is wrong. Sorry you are going through this but don't bother telling on her or anything like that. Just let it go. Addison is not a happy person so she needs to make other people's lives miserable. Good Luck.

  22. i know this will sound very weird. but it tends to work no matter the age group.

    completely ignore her and her new best friend. give them nothting to gossip about anymore. come to school, pay attention in class, be around other kids that like you, and go home. this also is very successful in the workplace except there is no homework or class.

    i know it's very tough to loose a friend. even at my age it remains to feel the same. all you can do is leave the option open for her to come back and be friends someday. she'll come back when she is ready. and if does happen. you are all so very young and you still have middle school and high school ahead of you. a lot can change people move away and new people come into the picture. so try not to stress and worry hun. it's right of passage and you will be okay.

    take care.

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