
Help me i have bad OCD?

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i have this fear stuck in my head that im going to kill my parents i lookes it up and it said that this is common but how do i stop it its anoying i need to stop thinking about it its effecting my life help and thanks Banner.




  1. I'm recylcling this response because it's long... but it seems like this may help you. Good luck with everything.

    The obviously irrational thoughts are best countered with the mental attitude of, "I'm willing to take this risk and I won't worry about it." An example of this would be a fear of water suddenly boiling and burning you if you touch it. What I would say to myself in that situation is, "All right. If I touch this water, it is possible it could start to boil and I will be burned severely. However, I don't want to live with stupid OCD, so I will risk it if it makes these thoughts go away." That is like cognitive-behavioural therapy, which is where you expose yourself to what you are afraid of and nevertheless come into contact with it. If you like grouping things in twos, group them in threes... eventually you will break the obsession.

    Rarely is it so simple, though. It sounds like you may have a lot of obsessive thoughts... perhaps violent, sexual or religious? They can be anything but those are the most common.

    Suppose you worry all day that you are about to stab someone. It can be a very scary thing to say to yourself, "OK. I really don't want to stab that person, but I keep thinking about it... I'll just have to accept the possibility that I am a horrible person and that I might murder someone... that is the only thing that will make this go away." Or if you worry you are a pedophile or a homosexual... "I really don't want to do that, I really really really don't want to, but what if I do? Is my whole life I lie? But I don't want to... but I will have to accept the possibility that I am so I can move on with my life." And so on... you know what I'm talking about I'm sure. I'm not quite sure what you are referring to so hopefully you'll be able to see how your obsession fits in with this idea illustrated by my examples.

    If your thoughts are the sort that are difficult to deal with using self-imposed methods like I've outlined, I'd seek professional help. It really is something I advocate because a good therapist can help you lay your fears and thoughts to rest, and show you how to change your thinking so you can move back into reality. Also, they have a wealth of knowledge to draw upon. I urge you to do this. I know it's hard to live like this, but there may be no other way other than to seek professional help. Most people do not understand how this sort of thinking operates and they cannot help you.

    I'm sorry I can't offer you real short term solutions. I would, but in my experience, there aren't any unless your brain starts to create rules that make you feel better if you follow them... and even then it's best to resist. Such rules outline compulsions and following compulsions digs you deeper into the hole as rituals take over your life.

    Just try to live on as normal and distract yourself. One game that you can play with yourself that MAY help to distract you is to think of a random object, and then convince yourself you don't want to think about it. Of course, because you try not to think about it you will, and it will be harmless... it's a way to conduct intrusive thoughts that aren't really intrusive thoughts. I can't guarantee that it will make it go away, and it might only work for an hour or so.. but it may be an hour of much needed relief. Music can also help. If you play an instrument, sight reading can require a lot of attention and may also be distracting. Keep your hands and feet busy. Do difficult and menial work if concentration permits you.

    Good luck with this. It's hard but eventually you will be able to get through it. Just please... if it feels too hard to do by yourself, you will be happier with a counselor. Find one that can help you, and take care.

  2. see a psychiatrist..

  3. if you have enough money you can take therapy.

  4. You just have to try and do your normal activities and try to forget about those thoughts. I assure you, unless you really want to kill your parents, those thoughts aren't really your thoughts. It's just a paranoia. If you've tried... I suggest you go and live with someone else.  

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