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what is the similarities and differences between

Industrial Pollution and Pollution from Transportation ??




  1. well Industrial Pollution is what people do like litter and things like that, but Pollution from Transportation is the gas that comes out of the cars and into the air. My option

  2. industrial pollution are of all three types

    1 solid waste

    2liquid wastes

    and 3aatmospheric emissions.

    whereas from transportation it is

    1 atmospheric emissions ( burnt fuel fumes and petrol/diesel fumes from spillage and evaporations)

    2 solid waste in form of waste rags(contaminated with oil/grease etc), used discarded lubricating and brake fluids and rubber waste from discarded tyres.

    you can work out the similarities and dissimilarities from the above.

  3. Industrial- the wastes of factories

    Transportation- the waste from cars
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