
Help me!!!!!!!!!?????

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OMG so I was down stairs minding my own business when this huge flying cockroach came flying down beside me. I jumped up and grabbed my dog and ran upstairs. I researched about the bug and they say that they are attracted to light and body heat. I'm afraid it might fly up here into my room but I can't turn the light of because I keep seeing these black shadow like things that scare me shitless. I know it sounds loony but it's true and i'm not schizophrenic!! So what am I suppose to do??




  1. This won't help immediately, but cockroaches don't like catnip.  Here in Florida, a little catnip sachet in the closets and catnip tea in a spray bottle keep them outside where they belong.

  2. I don't know where you are or any of the other things that could give clues to your "attacker" but about this time of year around the NE there are lots of Cicada's flying about.  Big, ugly, clumsy but absolutely harmless.  If you had a quieter introduction to the natural world around you you might even pick it up and set it free outside.

    And; if what your running from is really a cockroach then it too won't hurt you but it isn't the kind of a thing you want for a pet.  So; if it's in you home ...shoo it / shoe it your choice.

    Note:  Attacking an insect that you can't identify is a bit more risky because some insects that bite or sting, won't usually, unless provoked.  So; I'd suggest a good insect I.D. book to help you through.
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