
Help me...what do i do???

by  |  earlier

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my best girl friend likes me and i don't like girls....

and i have a boyfriend...

how do i tell her without hurting her feelings...

i don't want things to be weird between us because we've been freinds 4 a really long time...





  1. Just tell her that you love her as a sister, not as a partner.  

  2. just say to her your flatterd but you dont like girls in that way and you have a bf.

    tell her that you still want to be her friend and you want things to be the same between you and you still really value her friendship.  if shes your true mate shel understand :)

  3. don't talk about it directly... bring up a conversation about ur boyfriend or something and during that conversation just talk about how you love guys and how girls aren't ur thing

  4. simple.... Sorry I"m strictly dickly!

  5. Tell her that you are better off as best friends together than being her girlfriend if you don't like girls.

  6. say

    You love her as a best

    but thats it

    cos ur not into the whole 'girl' thing


  7. Are you sure she likes you as a girl and not as a friend.?

    Then gently tell her that you would have been proud to have her as your girlfriend only if you were interested in girls but that you are sexually attracted to boys only.

    And keep her as a friend,  but , a distant friend and see her less often, from now on.

  8. Just tell her straight up b4 she gets too attached my honest and siencre ok that all you can do and the hurt will be minimum

  9. just say to her,

    if you liked girls you'd go for her,

    but you don't,

    and you can't change that,

    and your sorry.


  10. First, off does is she aware that you are straight and if not just talk to her and say you do not want anything weird but you are into guys not girls. Thats how i would do it and also if you want talk to an adult.

  11. That's a tough one, just tell her that you want to be with your boyfriend and that you don't like her that way but you love her as a friend.

  12. Just say this "Dude, I dont dig chicks, at all. I have a boifriend and you know that. I like the dude. I like dudes. could be my best homie chick fo life fo life!!"

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