
Help me win a players heart!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so there's this guy that i like.... He is just the sweetest thing in the world and i go so CRAZY when i'm with him....I havent had a boyfriend for about a year now and i feel that im ready to date someone again! There's only one problem this guy is a PLAYER! i know because he is alwayz flirting with a lot of girls... But when he's around me i see that he gets a little shy and doesnt really know wat to say.. Does he like me? I really like this boy and i would want if you guys can give me some tips on how to win over his heart completely....





  1. dont be all over him like THOSE other girls probably are that he flirts with. PLAY real hard to get, yet show that you're a little interested. confuse him a little. make him wonder whats going through you're head.

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