
Help me with my ghost problem!!!?

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Im 14 years old and I have been seeing ghosts since I was four. I know this because I vividly remember having conversations at family gatherings with my "aunt dot". I have told my parents this before and they say that this is impossible. My aunt dot had been dead for years before I was born.

I also see ghosts in a forest in my neighborhood where my friends and i hang out. Ive seen a native american, a boy from colonial times fall from a tree, and a demon in this area. Theyve came to me in dreams which i will not get into right now. I also have premonitions.

I have tried to tell my parents but they dont believe me at all! I drop it eventually because i dont want to have them make me get a counselor. Can anyone help me!!!




  1. You have a very special gift.But if you don't wish to use it ask them to stop.I enjoy every min.I can get with spirits.If you would like to talk to others that share your gift try the site I AM HAUNTED.It's like my space but all paranormal.There are a lot of people there that have all kind of experience from armature to professionals all in the field of paranormal.I think it would help before you decide what you should do.Maybe if you understand more you would enjoy your gift.Or get it under control. Good Luck what ever you decide.

  2. I truly empathize with you.The evil spirit is using the small boy and the Indian to get to things it normally wouldn't be able to.He's using their energy by not allowing them to cross.Do not under any circumstance utter this spirits name.I would also consult a youth counselor in a religious type setting for more help and guidance.Be strong.

  3. It sounds like some of your problems stem from your belief that your dreams are real or in some way meaningful. They are most likely just dreams.

    You may also be suffering from a sleep disorder known as narcilepsy which would cause various symptoms you described, Hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.

    It might be worth it to go to the counselor and see what he says.

    edit: if your not interested in getting answers that disagree with your beliefs, then you probably should be asking this question in religion, or myths, and not in science and math.

  4. buy sea salt in the grocery store.

    put a pinch in the four corners of your bedroom, and a pinch in each corner of your house.

    this will make any spirit in your home leave.

    do not talk about these things in your home, or it will heighten the activity.

    what you have is actually a 'gift' or blessing, and will be useful once you remove the emotion and fright.

    some of that will come with being an adult.

    some will come when you use your gift for good

    instead of chasing the energy this all produces, try to relax and let it come to you whenever.

    in other words, forget about it until you feel it's time to help.

    seeing spirits is usually just a way of them seeking help or rememberance.

    i have the same 'problem' as you, but as an adult, just see it as an energy gift that i have been given.

    mostly, don't let it throw you from what you've been taught religiously.  spirits are usually just lost souls that refused to cross into the light because they felt something was still not taken care of.

    good luck!

  5. Honey I sympathize with you. I do  not know what you are going thru but can see that you truly are frightened.

    I believe you might be a sensitive and draw things to you.

    My only suggestion is stand strong don't let your visions frighten you.

    The only other thing is research try Reading "The Art Of Inner Listening".

    Even tho you see things while physically awake you also see in your dreams so maybe this book will help.

    Good Luck

  6. your life sounds interesting, im 15 and interested aswell

  7. What you see is a "Sentinel" Demon, a demon that for some reason keeps certain souls trapped in this world, in the past centuries it was a common belief that the people who were executed would be held in this world by sentinels as an extra punishment for their crimes.

    The best you can do if your parents are not responding is to talk to your religious leader, don't give him too much details just tell them about this evil spirit and the trapped spirits in the forest and ask him to bless the place and sent this sentinel away, once the sentinel is departed the souls will be free to move on.

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