
Help me with poem....?

by  |  earlier

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Can you help me with the next line (and make sure it fits the tune of this ):

I drank in the Morning when the day begun,

I drank with a drag, and we had little fun,

I drank in the night when the day is end,

And I go back home to drink again.

Drink, Drink where ever you may be,

I am the lord of the drunks, said he,

Whether it be light beer or hard whiskey,

Drinking alcohol is good for thee.

I woke up in the morning by a bottle of beer,





  1. yeahh it fits good.

    how about mine?;...

  2. I woke up in the morning by a bottle of beer,

    I couldn't breathe and I couldn't hear.

    Next thing I knew I was hooked up to tubes

    And I thought by drinking I could never lose.

    The days rolled by and things got worse

    The doctor said my liver was fit to burst.

    I couldn't believe it when he said I would die

    I just closed my eyes and tried not to cry.

  3. Well, figure it out yourself
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