
Help me with this play please?

by Guest31769  |  earlier

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My teacher asked me to modernize this years school play by changing some of the words and slang.

The play is called "Up the Down Staircase", and it's set in the 6o's (But were trying to modernize it, like I said) in New York.

The Students keep referring to the teacher as "Teach", and I need to change that.

So instead of saying something like "Hey,teach", what would you say?




  1. Make up a nick name like if a teachers name i Mr Bkhdgdh, Just say , " What's up Mr B!"

  2. you could say something like the guy above me said about hey mrs  b or whatever , or if teh teacher has a weird quality, like a twitch , you could play on that and call them a unique nickname

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