
Help me with this poem please!!!!?

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alright so i need to know what this poem means...

can anyone help me?

"The Few"

The easy roads are crowded

and the level roads are jammed;

The pleasant little rivers

With the drifting folk are crammed.

But off yonder where it's rocky

Where you get a better view,

You will find the ranks are thinning

And the travelers are few.

But the steps that call for courage

And the task that's hard to do,

In the end result in glory

For the never wavering few.




  1. It means most people take the easy way out.Most people don't have a goal because they think it will be too hard to accomplish.But for those folks who have the courage and are willing to put in the hard work to achieve that goal, they are the winners.

  2. The first two lines to me

    are referred to the traffic

    The next two lines

    are about the seeing and gathering

    at the river.

    lines nine and ten talk about conquering

    fear and showing bravery.

  3. In life - many people follow the roads (life paths) that are easy, problem free or pleasant.  When difficult choices must be made - that will often make your life a little rocky - few people are willing to go that way and make the choice. The rest only want to stay safe and not take risks.  The path of courage - is taken only by the very few - but they are never wavering (will not give up) - and in the end - when the task is done - glory will be theirs. ♥

  4. It's repeating what is common knowledge, expressing it poetically.

    The easy roads of life are crowded, for many choose them as their routes.

    The rocky mountains of trial and error, where you have a better view of what life truly is, has fewer people. It's uncommon that people choose this route over the easy road, though this one shows you beauty, gives you knowledge.

    The steps that call for courage, the task that's hard to do. The few who take this difficult path will find that it results in glory, so long as they don't stray from it.

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