
Help me word this?? PLEASE?

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I work in a call center where it is FREEZING all the time! It is raining outside and it is seriously like below 60 in here. We have a 'suggestion' page where we can send questions/suggestions to the management, I have sent 2 so far this summer asking why it has to be so cold in here. I bring a blanket to work, and a large jacket, there are so many air vents in here that it has seriously started to affect my allergies, my nose runs all day long.

The past two suggestions I have sent, and the others that other people have sent have NEVER been addressed.

PLEASE help me figure out a constructive, effective way to tell them it is bothering my allergies and that it Needs to be warmer in here. I don't want to seem like I am ranting, I really want them to address this, So if you are going to be rude, please just don't post. Thanks!




  1. Go on strike! or something.

  2. To whom this may concern,

    I am a current employee at (state your location) and would like to suggest that the temperature be increased in the office area. I feel that my work would be much more effective if the thermostat was not so low. In a call center it is important to be on the top of my game, and want to provide the best service to our clients. However the cold air inside has made my allergies more promenade and feel that I am not able to give the best service to our clients.  

    I would like to suggest that the temperature be raised in the office to 68 degrees. This small change will, in my opinion change the work place for the better and help motivate employes more. It is creating a more ideal workplace where one can be more comfortable and convey that to our clients as well.

    Sign and date  

  3. Hi.  I feel for you, as I have been in this position before.  The law office where I worked kept it very cold, and I was not allowed to wear my jacket or socks and was not allowed to bring in a space heater.  I was finally able to get them to close the vent which was directly over my desk, because it blew directly on my face and caused me to have sinus infections at least twice a year.  My office wasn't as cold as yours, but I have Reynard's Syndrome, where I am colder than most people, and 70 degrees is way too cold for me.  My complaints were basically laughed at.  I had to bring in a doctor's note, and from then on they tried to find "legal" reasons to fire me.

    I would be very careful about your complaining, because sadly, you can be replaced.  I am not able to write a letter of complaint for you, but first I would call your local health department to see if there are any guidelines as to minimum temps for a workplace.  I searched Google for you, and only came up with guidelines for the UK, not the US, except for factories.

    In any letter you write, you may want to mention that if they raise the temperature of the air-conditioning, they will not only save energy and lower their bill, but also make it more comfortable for the employees, thereby increasing productivity.  You need to be careful with this, because they can then come back with "if you don't like it here, you are welcome to leave".

    See if they will allow you to bring in a small space heater - I have one on me now - it's about 10 inches high, 5 inches deep and 8 inches wide, made by a company called Holmes.  It turns off if it's tipped over and is very safe.  Meanwhile be thankful they let you wear socks and your coat.  You can also try those zip-up sweatshirt hoodies.

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but I just wanted you to know that there are others that freeze at work too!  Good luck.

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