
Help?! my parents have gone weird?

by  |  earlier

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Where i live pretty much all me and my mates can do is go for walks and stuff, and we usually stay out till about 10:30. but all of a sudden, and im talking no warning here, my parents have gone all strict out of the blue! be home by 8 o'clock, bed at 9:30, and everytime i ask them something or talk to them the spazz out and get mad at me. i've stopped talking to them pretty much all together. i'm 15! how can i tell my parents that they should stop taking away what i've always had and stop treating me like a 10 year old without getting them mad at me?




  1. Have you tried talking sensibly to them ie sitting them down and asking reasonably what is going on? It sounds to me that there is a lot more going on than meets the eye and if you havnt done anything to abuse their trust (have you?) then it would be reasonable to ask why the sudden change in rules. Has something happened in your local area? As I said, there seems to be more going on here but you need to be tactful as getting mad at each other will get you a big fat nowhere! Good luck! :)

  2. 1) School is starting and they want you to get your body adjusted to going to sleep earlier so you can get up earlier.

    2)Your 15 and they are responsible for your actions, maybe someone saw you doing something stupid and it got back to them.

    3) You live in their house,eat their food and use their electricity; I bet they buy your clothes too..

    Be respectful to their wishes when you move out you will wish you were back home again within 6 months, cause being responsible isn't fun!

  3. I think you should ask them directly. Maybe they know something about the guy your dating and they don't like it. Has your behavior changed atall? Just go to your parents in a calm and respectful way to ask them what's going on. If you make it out to be like your parents are wrong for doing this they might not be upfront to you. Maybe your parents are thinking that if you get to close to him your heart will get broken. You know you only live once and you could lose a family member at any time .please try and talk to your parents again.  

  4. Have,  patience and wait.  You should be able to do what you wished at the age 18,  till then,  have patience,  and do what you are told to do.  Have patience all things work together for those who have patience and wait.

  5. There is more going on than you are telling? Were you late coming in?Did you not do something that you were supposed to do? Have you been talking back to your parents? Did they find out something bad about your friends? Did one of your friend disrespect your parents? Has there been gang activity at night in your neighborhood? You and your friends being to noise in the neighborhood? Try sitting down calmly and talking with your parents no anger or shouting and see if they will tell you why the sudden change. Even if you disagree do not show anger, be calm and maybe you can resolve the problem.  I know it will not be easy for you but if you show respect and calm. They will be more receptive, and willing to answer your questions. I hope this will help you resolve your problem. Good Luck.

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