
Help! my son hates school!!?

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Hi, my four year old son just started pre-school. And he hates it!! He cries every morning when I drop him off and the teachers tell me that he cries at nap time. I don't know what to do to make him like and want to go to school!? Does anyone have any advise? i try to tell him that if he cries he will lose all his privileges after school and be on time out when he gets home, but I'm not sure if threatening him is really working cuz he's still crying every day, and to top it off I'm 36 weeks prego and will be home soon and he still has to go to school. Hes really not going to understand why mommy and the new baby get to stay home and he has to go to school!! someone please offer any advise that might be helpful!? thank you!




  1. Well I think a big majority of parents go through this, (my 5 year old cousin lives with us) and kudos to you for being pregnant and dealing with it. Well firstly a great thing to do is give him is on wallet and put a pic of you in it so he can be reminded of you and tell him when he sees it to remember how much you love him. (worked for me when i was a kid) another is since he cant read you could draw him something (like a pic or you and him or of one of his fav things) and put it in his lunchbox so he'll have something to look forward to everyday. And instead of punishing him for not going, reward him for say if ytou go to school everyday this week without get to go get ice cream, and the longer it goes on make the prizes better, like a trip to the zoo-stick with it and only reward him if follows through, you could make a little chart and check if its a bad or good day and once he gets so many checks you get to do certain things. And as far as the baby goes let him know you love him equally and when he was a baby he got to stay home--and tell him all the things he gets to do and the baby doesnt. Another thing we did with my cousin was started taking him to church (on kids nights) and alot of friends from school (and a teacher) was there so it made him look forward to school more.

    Also when it does go good, make sure you tell him how proud you are-kids love that,

    Good luck and God bless. Hope this helps :)

    (also best wishes with baby too)

  2. First know its normal (all 3 of my kids went through this).  I wouldn't punish him for crying and being scared.... I think it makes school seem even less desirable, and he can't help how he feels.  You can try positive reinforcement (ie, tell him if he goes to school with no crying, you'll take him to the park, or something to that effect).

    It will take him a bit to settle in and get used to school.  My son cried every day for the first three weeks.  Then one day.... poof, thats it, he was fine with school.  Just be very reassuring, reminding him that mommy always comes back to school to get him, maybe offer the positive reinforcements, and give it some time.  He'll get there!

  3. Don't discipline or threaten him for being scared. Try reminding him that big boys go to school and tell him what a big boy he is and how proud of him you are. Also, try kissing  the palm of his hand when you drop him off every morning and tell him when he gets sad or scared to kiss his hand and it will be like a mommy kiss. also, maybe you should try letting him take a personal item with him, something familiar, even if it has to be put in his cubby, could help. Good luck! He will start making friends soon and school will be fun.

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