
Help need for project?

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can someone tell me the effects orange glow wood cleaner have on the economy?

i need to no the pros and cons of this product? and i need to know what happens if you do not use this product safely?




  1. if you mean the products effect on the environment:

    this product claims to be made from the oil extracted from valencia oranges which would make it a natural product.  that by itself is a pro if that is all that's in the stuff.  probably not completely true.

    the cons are that most furniture doesn't need cleaning as often as this stuff would like you to think which encourages over-consumption.  this means more of the stuff is manufactured, more of the containers are thrown away of recycled (not as good for conservation as not consuming).

    another interesting con is that there are a lot of starving people in the worlds that are possibly being deprived of essential vitamin c by the use of the oranges as a furniture polish rather than what it naturally is - a food source.

    unsafe usage could contribute to air polluton in the home and air and water pollution outdoors from the 'other' stuff in the product as well as the disposal (in a landfill or by burning) of the containers.

    if you really mean the economy, it makes a little money for orange growers and a lot for the corporation who sells it to people who like polished furniture.

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