
Help needed...a desperate man

by  |  earlier

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I have a palm tree growing out of my left ear.I think it grew from a seed that got in there while i was stationed in Hawaii,during the war.I was laying under a palm tree,waiting to get a decent shot at the enemy. unbeknown to me at the time,a coconut must have fell from the tree and knocked me out and when i woke up,i had been shipped home,and the medics hadn`t realised that i had this seed stuck in my ear.I had another good 30 years before i noticed anything unusual, but one day i looked in the mirror and there was this palm tree .

I live a normal life, cos it only bothers me on windy days and when there are nuts on the tree.

,it has a few side effects,like I get these uncontrolable urges to dance the Hula, sometimes in the most silly places, like in a crowded mall, like one day i started and people started throwing coins into my hat which had fallen off when i swayed to the island rythym.I got a few bucks outa that.

There are some good side effects too ,like i`m getting quite good at playing the Steel Guitar now too, I can play 3 verses of the Hilo March almost as good as Jerry Byrd, ( i often wonder if Jerry had been hit with a coconut too.)

I also got this constant sound of breaking waves in my other ear too , and often find myself "Drifting & Dreaming and I get the urge to wear flowers in my good ear.

Can anyone please help , I am worried that this may eventually effect my mental well being, I think i might go NUTs.

Please, no Herbal remedies, i`ve already tried eating dried Hybiscus leaves and raw fish, it doesn`t work.

I`m smoking the leaves now actually..




  1. Hmmm...

  2. Dear sir:

         You have experienced a very traumatic experience in service of this great nation.  As Commodore of the Pacific Fleet, I have authorized full benefits for you and your dependents.  This includes but is not limited to medical, dental, and vision insurance.  Benefits shall also include full use of the White House.  Please feel free to transplant said palm tree in the front lawn.  If you please, you might have the rose garden removed and put it there.  This would also make a wonderful place for some plastic flamingos and some lawn furniture.


                                                                 Commodore Hagas Jemkph

  3. Dear friend, you have obviously lost your way. lol, when you find it maybe you can help me get home! lol

  4. Sorry I feel sorry for you but that's weird

    why don't you get a surgery

    All the Best!!!

  5. wth ? get a life

  6. wtf lol i just read the begining and lmao  , but thanks for the poins anyway

  7. Joe Blow

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