
Help not losing weight!?

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I exercise a good 5-6 days a week. I usually run 4 miles for four days and then I do other forms of cardio on the other days. I also strength train with moderate weights. I am a vegetarian and I eat organically. I don't consume processed food with preservatives, and I eat only whole grain, fiber-rich foods. I limit my carb intake and I get enough protein.

I stepped on the scale today at the gym and I found out that my weight did not budge at all! I am 5'2'' and I used to weigh 129lbs, but over the holidays I gained 8lbs. I feel a little better in my stomach area but that's it. I don't know why i'm not losing weight. I checked my thyroid over this situation and the results came back normal. Can anyone help me?? This is getting really frustrating.




  1. You are most likely gaining muscle.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  Pay no attention to the attention to how your clothes fit you.

  2. i agree, i think you probably gained muscle.  the other thing is, make sure you eat small meals throughout the day instead of 3 big ones.  that will help with the way your body metabolizes what you eat.  

    if it's still a concern to you, it sounds like you're doing everything right...  i dunno, maybe talk to your doc.

  3. It takes time to lose weight!!  The secret is not to weigh yourself everyday b/c you won't see any changes!

    Do it like every 3 months or so!

    I am fairly slim 5'8-125pounds!  I started excercising 5 days a week for about an hour.  But when I weighed myself everyday I didn't lose anything.  I waited 5 months and  lost 5 pounds!

    p.s. It might be muscle too and muscle wieghs more than fat!  Also some people lose inches first!

  4. I agree with the first answer, muscle weighs more than fat.  If you are really concerned you should speak to your doctor.

  5. that person that gave you the picture link is a troll on here, she will be deleted soon, as she is several times a day.

    I'm sure you are losing fat and gaining muscle, so don't get discouraged, it sounds like you are doing everything right! I wish I were disciplined to do what you do, you will get that weight off if you keep it up, don't worry... just make sure your calorie intake isn't too high. Also, with doing all that, I'm sure you're really healthy, and that's really what's important, a couple of extra pounds is ok

  6. Re check you total calorie count

    By the way, muscle weighs and is more dense than fat. So you may not be losing weight but actually gaining muscle mass. This will make you look slimmer but stil weigh the same. You can see this in a lot of athletes who look thin or muscled but weight a lot more that you would think.

  7. Yup, muscles weigh more than fat.  That could definitely be a factor.  How much time has gone by?  It takes a little while for the scale to catch up with your good effort.  Try to weigh at the same time each time, morning is best.  Your weight can fluctuate by 5 pounds throughout the day.  Also, do keep track of your calorie count.  Count everything, especially your liquids.  Some beverages have a lot of calories.  You can also try eating smaller portions every 3-4 hours to keep your energy level stable and help your metabolism.  The scale will move-  just hang in there.  And the way your clothes fit is the best way to measure your weight loss.

  8. I think that you should keep at it- you might not see results immediatly. And since you are exercising so much have you considered that you have lost FAT but have gained MUSCLE?

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