
Help on Whaling?

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i have to do an oral presentation for English class next wednesday and the issue i have chosen is whaling. i need to find some interesting, and easy to understand information.

such as:

-how are the whales killed

-organisations involved?

-articles that i could interpret and give my opinions on

-why whaling is conducted

-which countries are involved ect ect

if anyone can think of any other issues i can bring up in my presentation please let me know.

i also want to know what all of your opinions are on whaling.

my presentation has to go for 6 minutes so i need lots of things to talk about.

ill stop babbling now lol, any information should help. =]




  1. Just find the worse photo ever of the cruelty make it poster size stand it in front of your audiance and just say its wrong then stant still and silent for 15 when people think about it themselves...

  2. -why japanese EAT them

    -get some japanese peoples veiws ie. their favorite type of whale: humpback vs. blue - that would be really shocking!

    - get some really sad music in the back ground, use some beautiful pics of whales and some of the most cruel and shocking

    - my opinion on whaling is that the rest of the world should shred the whalers and feed them to the whales (the mums get really hungry on their migration)


  3. I am not sure about current methods but America was the whaling capitol of the not to distant past, the process is the whales are harpooned, hauled aboard, skinned, blubber is removed and processed into oil (sperm whales are most profitable because they have a cavity in their heads that contain spernacity which is the best oil from whales) the carcass is thrown overboard, they render the blubber into oil onboard by a cooking process. The vassal repeats the process until its hold is full or supplies run low they return to port and remove oil stores and restock supplies and then return to sea.

    A good book to read on the subject concerning American history and whaling would be the story of the Essex, the events that took place on the Essex inspired the novel moby d**k.

    Or go online and look up history on Nantucket to help get an idea on what a huge industry whaling was in early America.

    Good luck on your presentation.
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