
Help on friendship =[?

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sighh , im so sad these days

now my so called "bestie" seems to be ignoring me.

on her myspace , usually im Top 1 , but now if im lucky im her Top 6

and everytime i ask her to hang out , she says shes "busy". i ask her everyday if she has time

but if someone else asks her , she says yes!

and she barely talks to me

what can i do?




  1. To bo completely honest if she was your best friend she would not be doing this to you it seems to me she has other things on her mind and other people that seem important to her this week so i think you should either give it some time and leave her alone or just let her go and you should go have fun and show her that you can have fun and are fine without her

  2. well u have other friends to hang out with right?  hang out with them.  and dont care about myspace top friends.  its not a big deal.    

  3. First of all, delete your MySpace account.  Second, if your best friend's ignoring you, ignore her right back. You have other friends, right? Hang out with them for a while. Maybe she'll change her mind, or maybe it'll turn out she's just a huge *****. The point is that you refused to play her stupid little mind games, and that you got rid of your MySpace, both of which make you a stronger person than  she is.

  4. Find what's wrong with you, then fix the problem.

    or maybe she is just falling in love with another man, so try to get some distance from you.




  6. call her and try talk to her for a while..ask her whether you have did something wrong that she doesn't like..

    or if she refuse to talk to you..just leave her for some day..may be she needs her own time to be alone for a while..or ask other friends of yours that might be know why she has been ignoring you this days..

    best of luck! =)

  7. uhh, ask Doctor phil! lol I'm sorry i dont know.

  8. Maybe she just does not relate to you anymore. There is this girl that I was sort of friends with, and I really cannot stand her anymore. As soon as I got to really know her I just don't like her very much.

    I know that sounds horrible, but maybe that is the case. Who cares do not need to have a friend like that. Just leave her alone because that is obvioulsy what she wants, and move on to find an even BETTER friend!

    Good luck! Sorry to sound harsh

  9. theres probably something that uve done that rubbed her the wrong way to the point where she doesnt really want to hang out with u right now. if NOT, then it could b that u may be coming off as too clingy. even tho shes ur bestie, u both have ur own lives n if she feels like ur always wanting 2 take up her time when she wants 2 hang with other people, she prob just wants her space, and it could b whats turning her off right now, so basically, u should leave her alone right about now n hang out with some other people...give her her space n when she wants 2 talk 2 u she knows where to find u...cuz if u keep pushing the issue, she just might not talk 2 u period.

  10. no need to be sad, you need to get more friends besides her to hang out with. when people grow up or get involved into something else, they also find other people to hang out with. Sometimes people will out grow each other. and you may be boring to her. there are millions of people on the planet, Please don't waste your tears on just that one person. get a life. find more people that like what you like because she doesn't anymore.  
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