
Help on taming my rat!!??

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I got a baby rat about 6 days ago, and I'm having trouble taming her. Well i've got to the stage where she'll take food out of my hands. If i try to stroke her she just sits there in the corner looking scared and sometimes she bites me.

How can I move it on abit?




  1. If she sits their then she frightened she needs to get you to you're hand

    scent and smell if you hold her 4times in the day & night or more then that will build her confident up to come closer to you, Don't Worrie Its normal for her to act like this, she's in strange place she has to get used to the new surroundings try introduce the hover anything loud step by step.

    I have rat my self think she 4months old or 5months old she hates being stroke on top of her head, All rats will have place where they don't like to be touched or stroked.

    Where you stroking your'e rat ?

    Maybe she don't liked to be stroked in that certain area, but she only baby get her out of herr cage play with her, then when she gets used to ur scent when she's used to then u do the abillity mode.

    I hope this helped :)

  2. when you get her out pick her up and hold her, massage the skin slowly and kiss her.It worked for me, my boys are pretty young and they (if i call them) will come and kiss me on the lips. (sometimes at the same time!ARGGGGGHHH!)

    She may want a rat friend to help build up her confidence

  3. your rat is probably a little terrified from moving to a new place and a new cage with new smells, sounds, etc.  but she really will warm up to you with a little patience.  you can try getting her out of the cage to give her treats so that she learns that she has to interact with you in order to get her favorite foods.  another thing that has worked really well for me with my baby rats is getting a little yogurt on my finger and letting them l**k it off.  they love that, and it helps them get used to taking food from me -- it also teaches them to l**k fingers rather than biting them.  after a few days of this, a little yogurt was enough to lure the boys out of their cage and onto my hand without even having to pick them up.

    the best thing you can do is force her to spend lots of time with you so that she gets used to you and comes to trust that you are going to give her treats and never hurt her.  it takes time, but soon she'll learn to love you!

    also, please please please get your rat a friend.  she will be so much happier and less lonely if she has somebody to play with and help groom her while you're busy or out of the house.  rats are great pets and contrary to what some people might say on this website, they can live very rewarding and happy lives with humans.  (don't forget, all rats live mostly off of humans, even wild ones)

    good luck!  enjoy your girl :)

  4. First of all, she needs a same s*x friend. Rats are highly social and should always be kept in same s*x pairs or groups, it's really not fair to house them alone.

    I'd recommend getting another rat from a reputable breeder or rescue as pet store rats are often ill or, in the case of females, pregnant. Plus, you don't want to support pet stores and their mills or backyard breeders:

    Always make sure to quarantine a new rat:

    Before doing introductions slowly and on neutral ground:

    As for taming, here's some good trust-training information:

  5. Do you not think it's unusual to own a pet rat?  How often have you heard of people owning rats as companion pets? You are being cruel to the rat by keeping it caged. Rats are used to being outside with their own kind, not as human accessories!

  6. theres lots of different ways of taming rats but female rats are a little more harder how i tamed my 2 boys were i sat by the cage and talked to them then i but my hand in the cage and let them sniff around it then they slowly started to climb on me all the time i was talking to them. if yours does this then lots of treats so she can see you mean no harm but dont grab for her as she will thing your going to hurt her just let her come to you . i think its to late for  you to get a cage mate for her but if you want to try then you will need another cage by the side of her so they can smell and get to know one and other but sometimes this still does not work also they must be the  same s*x hope this helps if not heres a good web site

  7. when we got our rats I took them into a small room (the bathroom) and opened the cage door. Then I just laid on the floor reading and let them crawl and climb over me and all around. They got to trust me and after about a week of this, they were easy to handle and very tame.

    By the way, since rats are such social animals, it's good to keep them in same-s*x pairs.

  8. Sorry but she just needs to get used to you.

  9. hey i have 3 rats.

    i know this may sound a little freakish

    but if you have like a hammock with wool

    or some sort of bedding

    rub your hand in ther pee

    and because you have her scent she will

    feel more comfortable around you.

    but DO wash your hands after

    WITH soap.

    or another way is

    to stroke on day 1

    then squeeze the ribs on day 2

    then pick her up ONLY in the cage on day 3

    on day 4 repeat all of the above

    and on day 5 she will be a little nervous but almost tamed.

    if you just hold her in your hands until her heart

    is a normal speed

    then just let her have a little sniff and a run around, (=

    hope this works  

  10. well your rat should really have a friend also maybe that will help. I just got 3 girl rats about 3 weeks ago at first when i took them out they would look scared also but if you keep playing with her she'll eventually run to the door when she sees you wanting to come out.

    If she bites tap her nose lightly and yell no

    I hope this helps!


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